donderdag 2 december 2021

Energy Update ~ Natalia Alba

Beloved Ones,

We are heading into the last month of this life-changing year. We begin December with a very powerful eclipse in Sagittarius, one that is going to help us conclude a cycle, due to its transformative and releasing energies. A very healing month that invites us to move inward and heal everything that is still fragmented, for if we are not unified and healed, our new reality will be a duplication of our past one, with the same old outcomes.

It is pivotal that we do not get distracted by the many tactics and manipulations that are the moment govern our planet, so we can keep focusing on what is truly important for our personal journey, as well as in bringing all the assistance we can to All.

This is a month for us to allow our soul, the wisest aspect of us, to guide us through a new destination, although there is never a final one, for our journey of embodying higher levels of love, never ends. A period of reflection but also of deep soul communion, for us to retrieve the guidance and knowledge required to transform anything that is no longer in perfect harmony.

We have ahead a wonderful month for us to expand from within, and hence without, as expansion always begins with the soul wanting to explore and give birth to new horizons. An expansion that begins by our soul envisioning new paths for us to experience and that is represented the number 8 essence of December.

Number 8 is infinite, where endings and new beginnings are intertwined. This is where we are at the moment, in the void where we commune with our soul to obtain more wisdom, before stepping into the unknown, for in our new harmonic timeline, the only way forward is to follow our own soul's oracle.

Number 8, which is represented by the fiery tarot card of strength – a woman holding between her hands the jaws of a Lion (sun) – represents the physical strength that can only come through the power of love, wisdom, and balance, cultivated within.

This is the perfect representation for the Wise Goddess of Love embracing fiery Leo, calming his wildness with her loving essence.

The message is that all can be done through the power of love, all can be shifted and dissolved when our human self finally surrenders to a Higher Power that is within All things and beings and lets it lead the way instead of forcing/molding our reality with our egoic self who can only envision a small and limited view of what is truly happening.

This is also a number that represents the infinite, for all is infinite in nature, and the only limitations are the ones created by our human minds, as it is the illusion of lack, coming from being immersed in a lower state of fear and separation. This is an opportunity for us to move inward and see where we still live in lack, where we still think that human resources are limited and can only come from the outside.

For it is there where we begin limiting ourselves, by creating this same old story and by allowing its manifestation, in the physical.
This is a month where many will begin to open themselves more and more to receive, for they are awakened and ready now to embrace higher truths. Others will move towards the integration of new ways of receiving guidance, embodying new aspects of their soul mission, and evolving within new frequencies, for they are already ready to go further.

December is a month of revelations if we choose to commune with the Highest Aspect of ourselves. A month for us to dive deep into the depths of our soul, where expansion beings and where we can truly envision the new path that is meant to be uniquely for us.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba