woensdag 1 december 2021

Energy Update ~ Maureen B. Roberts, PhD

Brace yourselves and fasten your seat belts, folks - we’re in for even rougher seas - but it’s all part of the necessary upheaval that will clear the path for a new 'community of soul': the Net Of Indra as a living web in which each unique and equally valuable gem reflects the beauty of all others.

All across the world, power-based hierarchies are on the way out, but there’s much work to be done to help give this old paradigm the final boot. We can each play our part by remaining alert, ethically and discerningly speaking up and acting when it’s called for, doing our own independent 're-search', and protecting our sacred spaces, bodies and personal integrity.

Don’t lose heart, but rather remain centred in the heart, instead of in fear, anxiety and blind obedience (e.g. to coercive Government ‘mandates’.)

The World Soul in its ancient wisdom, knows what it’s doing and what needs to unfold. Nothing can stop the massive shift in the collective soul that is now underway. Many are finding ‘opportunity in adversity’ amidst the fear, uncertainty and chaos; new support networks and communities are taking shape, people are doing more soul-searching, folk are coming together to resist new tyrannies that are attempting to stifle the individual and shared life of soul.

Be comforted in knowing that ‘truth will come out’ and that events are now unfolding at an accelerating pace, as the energies shaping and activating needed change intensify in order to bring matters that need to ‘come to light’ to a head. Things will get white hot before they start to cool, but the heat will purge and cleanse and out of the ashes, the Phoenix will then have an opportunity to arise.

Maureen B. Roberts, PhD