November 22, 2021, the Sun entered the sign of Sagittarius. The reason I mention this common annual occurrence is because early November 22, 2021 I went grocery shopping and while there, surrounded by people doing lastminute shopping for Thanksgiving turkey day, I clearly felt the energies had changed dramatically, I’d embodied them and was being intensely affected by them. I walked differently, I looked out my eyes differently, I radiated this specific ascending NEW energy even more intensely than I did before this change, and I viewed the world and people in it differently as well. This November 22, 2021 Sun into Sagittarius change was unlike any monthly sign change I’ve ever experienced. Because this change was so obvious within myself, I went within for details while pushing my shopping cart through the grocery store.
What I perceived was that the January 2022 full entrance into the NEW Divine Mother Feminine template for ascending NEW Earth and NEW Humans was being increasingly felt now through the Sun’s entrance into Sagittarius and Volunteers that could embody this budding aspect of the January 2022 Divine Mother Feminine template energies presenting through Sagittarian Triality-based Fire would instantly do so.
I’ve been an astrologer since the mid-1970s and I’ve never thought of, perceived, sensed or felt feminine energies with Sagittarius. However, what I was hit with early November 22, 2021 was what I’ve been perceiving, sensing and writing about which is the full implementation of the NEW Divine Mother Feminine energy template starting January 2022 for ascending NEW Earth and NEW Humans.
I felt this November 22nd partial preview of what some of the NEW 2022 Divine Mother Feminine template energies will feel like and how it will affect people, their consciousness and much more. This partial preview came in through the Sun transiting 2021 Sagittarius, BUT entirely from the NEW Divine Mother Feminine template Triality-based crystalline Diamond Sagittarius Fire. There were no old lower frequency classic Sagittarian energies in it, only this NEW higher frequency, Triality-based, Divine Mother Feminine version of Sagittarius/Jupiter. This will happen when the Sun enters 2021 earth element Capricorn/Saturn on December 21st as well. All of 2022 will be this and much more.
Before the Sun enters Capricorn, it will make its annual transit across the Milky Way Galactic Center (GC) which from our current earth-based perspective is 27° Sagittarius 9′. December 18, 19, and 20 the Sun will conjunct the GC, and based on what I experienced on November 22nd with just the Sun entering Sagittarius, I believe this 2021 Sun conjunct the GC transit will deliver a large block of NEW, intense and amazingly different energies that are for and of the Divine Mother Feminine template for ascending NEW Earth for NEW Humans.
Every year when the Sun conjuncts the GC during those 3 days (Triality) in December, the GC “downloads” whatever evolutionary ascension “updates” for humanity and Earth that are energetically needed for that time. This 2021 December Sun conjunct the GC transit will I feel be like nothing we’ve experienced before for the simple reason that we could not have survived it or embodied it before! Even at that it will seriously test all of us anyway but we’ve been in this highly amplified and accelerated mode since about mid-October 2021. Nevertheless, buckle your multidimensional cosmic seatbelts and keep your Radiant Diamond HighHeart open to embody whatever the December 18–20, 2021 GC preparation “download” energies of and for the NEW Divine Mother Feminine ascending NEW Earth, NEW Humans template are.
“Just be still with me, ya wouldn’t believe what I’ve been through.” — David Bowie, Cat People
What I felt November 22, 2021 was (continues to be) tremendous, intense and was literally energetically plowing through all old negativity with tremendous Divine Mother Feminine empowered intent. It was Triality-based NEW Divine Mother Feminine integrated and in what some will at first interpret as fierce “masculine-like” Fire Lightwarrior mode. To feel that embodied in my physical and energy bodies in this larger, undiluted, unrestricted way was being HOME. There was only positivity for everyone and everything within this partial energetic preview introduction. There was zero patriarchal anything in it. There’s only NEW Divine Mother Feminine Triality in it and it feels, at this early stage of this massive CHANGEOVER, brilliantly fierce, wholly empowered, radiating Source-based intent to straightaway set up NEW Earth for NEW Humans.
Now for some other aspects of my early morning November 22, 2021 Sun in Triality Fire Sagittarius grocery shopping super empowered intent experiences. How this energy affected me felt like being HOME finally. It feels normal, natural, sane, honest, safe because IT is Divine, IT is Divine Feminine, IT is pure, IT is undistorted, and IT is entirely Triality-based NEW Divine Mother Feminine. To me it was feeling higher dimensional mega empowered HOME energies here on physical Earth and in my physical body to a degree I’ve never felt before. It felt natural and normal to me because that’s where I came from, as did every Volunteer — from higher dimensions, frequencies, Light realms, Stars, Galaxies etc.
However, to many other people, all of whom in this case were males, what I experienced in the grocery store on November 22nd was profoundly different. What I found the most interesting about all of this was that as I lived IT, I also observed certain other people (all strangers) being affected by IT too in radically different ways than I was. How this Divine Mother Feminine incoming partial Sagittarius fire preview made me feel was very different than how it made some other people feel. Energy is energy but how it affects individuals is another story entirely, and my 11-22-2021 grocery shopping trip highlighted this for me in current time and it was not pleasant or easy to take.
Because I’ve been embodying the NEW energies since the Ascension Process started, how this Triality Fire Sagittarius energy carrying a small portion of the coming Divine Mother Feminine template affected me was very different from how it caused certain other unaware, less energetically evolved and prepared individuals. For me it was tremendous super empowered intent of and for ascending NEW Earth for NEW Humans, but for the people that were literally all over me in unpleasant ways during this grocery shopping trip, it was like every negative ego-based patriarchal trait they had was amplified and directed at me. I know this wasn’t conscious on their parts but it happened nonetheless, it always does. The Light attracts and repels, intrigues and infuriates, spotlights and amplifies everything and that includes what has been old lower frequency patriarchal Duality reality and humanities lives and consciousness in it.
I’ve always felt the intensity of the Divine, the higher, the true and pure all my life but this November 22, 2021 event was a full-on GO indication that it’s time to drive the remaining old lower out and instantly embody and implement the NEW higher everything for everyone. Based on what I’ve been experiencing throughout 2021, and much more tightly and focused since October, those Volunteer First Everythingers that are currently capable of embodying these 2021 yearend CHANGEOVER into the 2022 NEW energies are, as usual, doing so first. For me it feels like a huge Volunteer accomplishment to have reached this stage of the Ascension Process and CHANGEOVER to ascending NEW Earth for NEW Humans. Talk about a personal and collective milestone!
However, to many unaware people who’ve not yet embodied much of the NEW Light energies, NEW codes, and soon the NEW January 2022 planetary and species template, well, some of them are going to behave with WORSE self-absorbed, male elitist, patriarchal sense of entitlement and do-whatever-the-hell-I-want type actions and behaviors. We’ve been seeing the worldwide increase in this type of old lower consciousness and behaviors in some people for the past few years. It’s rebellion, resistance, hatred and revolt against anything and anyone that threatens the old global patriarchy and it is ugly, violent and deadly. After many thousands of years of running this planet and humanity on it, this CHANGEOVER will cause many people to lose it completely. My intent is not to cause fear about this, but remember my mom’s old term for what we’re living now? She always referred to our now time as “the Mad Max times” and she absolutely refused to live through them. She told me this multiple times decades ago, and so she died in late June of 2019, six months before the serious “Mad Max times” started globally — aka Phase 2 of the evolutionary Ascension Process and all that’s happened so far in it, which has been record breaking.
The November 22, 2021 Sun into NEW higher template Sagittarius energies felt like embodied empowerment and a fiery need to permanently remove the residual negativity. To some of the other males in the grocery store that day, I was the “enemy” and they locked on to me and did different things to let me know I was not wanted in what they still perceive as their world. My embodied Divine Mother Feminine NEW template for ascending NEW Humans response was to continue radiating the NEW and ignore them. Radiating the NEW is easy, ignoring all of them constantly is occasionally not so easy for me. Nonetheless power over, power through, power beyond, don’t slow down, and never look back. The NEW has arrived, deal with it everyone.
I’m sharing this to let you know that all of December 2021 is going to be increasingly intense physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and energetically. January 2022 all this will CHANGEOVER fully into the NEW template and that will cause far worse negative reactions from certain people for a while. Where old Duality patriarchal consciousness, ego and attitudes linger, expect different forms of “toxic masculinity” from certain people that feel the Light and NEW template, and feel the NEW Light you’ve embodied and now radiate constantly and aren’t happy about any of it. No fear, just greater higher awareness, wisdom, and responsibility as your personal stewardship position on ascending NEW Earth for NEW Humans begins anew in 2022 and beyond.
Since about mid-October 2021, many old ascension symptoms have been so amplified it’s taken some time to embody and adjust to them. One of them has been the inner freezing cold symptom many get from embodying more and therefore elevating up to another higher frequency level. Over time we acclimate and the inner freezing cold symptom dissipates, or so it’s been throughout Phase 1 of the Ascension Process. Not so however for me since October 2021. I’ve had the inner freezing cold symptom nearly constantly since October, and I’ve had it not just in my hands, feet, thighs and forearms but almost my entire body. I’m so cold now writing this I keep hitting wrong keys and typing things I keep having to delete. Time to dig out my typing gloves again! In the past the inner freezing cold symptom would last between an hour or two and only happen every few months. Since October 2021, it’s been about ten hours a day and it’s been every day which I’ve never experienced before. This increase of the inner freezing cold tells me the coming January 2022 CHANGEOVER into the Divine Mother Feminine template for ascending NEW Earth and NEW Humans is still going to be one huge energy jump/change/shift for all of us, even with all this energy preparation embodying we’ve been doing.
Another old familiar ascension symptom that’s been increased and expanded like crazy this year is the inner ear high-pitched sounds, ringing, squealing, screeching tones, sounds, monotone, bi and tri sounds playing constantly inside my head at louder levels than ever before. After twenty-some years of this I’m grateful this symptom doesn’t bother me much anymore. It’s just gotten much louder and has been constant for months.
Another old familiar one is the eating, not eating, digesting, not digesting food situation business. When we’re in another big phase of embodying more NEW Light, the eating of foods instantly becomes this old problem again. If you eat you feel bad, if you don’t eat you feel bad, if you eat very carefully and very little you still feel bad and often for many hours. Also, the whole digestive miseries return too. The awful heartburn, acid reflux, bloating, indigestion and elimination unpleasantries are once again back for who knows how long. Just drink enough water and be super aware and intuitive about whatever you eat and when and eventually these old symptoms will ease up as they always do. But embodying more NEW Light often doesn’t work well with physical food consumption so just be aware and wise with the whole eating business during these severe energy embodiment periods. I’ve felt my body change greatly this year and be increasingly freed from the past template energy structures and consciousness and belief systems around foods, eating, fasting, dieting, eating only certain foods etc. Everything is changing including this of course.
Another growing symptom is that the more and higher Light energies we embody and/or Embody, the less ability we have to fall back into lowly thoughts about anything. I got really pissed off about something a few weeks ago and instantly felt that in my physical body. It instantly felt harmful — I was harming myself and my physical body with angry thoughts about something that wasn’t worth my mutilating myself over. We’ve reached the you can’t go back down point. DO NOT FALL BACK DOWN into old habits because that cannot co-exist with this much Light at these higher levels that you’ve embodied.
And another increased ascension symptom, side effect, reaction is what I mentioned earlier about those certain people, often but not always males, who, at some level sense you’re radiating something they do not want in their space, world and reality. In other words, the evolutionary Light, the NEW everything that you’ve worked so long and so hard to embody and/or Embody is one massive irritant to low consciousness, low frequency people. This is why those of the Light have always been and still are attacked by the Dark, the negative, the fearful, the evil.
Remember those old scenes from the original Star Trek TV series where Captain Kirk orders ‘shields up’ because the Enterprise was about to come under attack? You might want to keep your shields up and reinforced as we traverse the rest of 2021 and all of 2022. Again, no fear just higher awareness and preparation for the freakout responses to this planetary and species wide CHANGEOVER and entrance into the NEW Divine Mother Feminine Triality crystalline Diamond template of ascending NEW Earth for NEW Humans.
**By Denise Le Fay