We are in a very special time. You can feel it, you know it, it's all around you.
We have so many starseeds going through timeline shifts to get them to the highest timeline that their vibration can hold at the moment.
The veil is extremely thin, your guides are closer to you then they've ever been.
The energies have changed again too.
We have Creation Energies coming in and filling up the area all around you.
These are the highest vibrational energies yet and part of the pre-Love Wave Energies.
Here to upgrade your system to the highest point possible in this now moment.
Ascension Symptoms may include:
Extreme tiredness,
Body cramps,
Pregnancy symptoms,
Chakras activations,
Nerve pain,
Knowings & abilities off the chart,
Jaw pain,
Head pressure,
Sore throat,
Restless legs,
Nerve issues,
Allergy symptoms,
Neck and back pains,
Birthing pains,
Unconditional love,
Blurry Vision.
Lack of Appetite,
Tooth pain,
Feeling Hot or Cold randomly,
And so many more.
These Ascension Symptoms are just the tip of what maybe felt.
Whatever you're feeling is exactly what you need at this time.
Everything is happening to get you ready to hold the energies of the incoming Love Wave.
This is not happening in months or years.
Do you really think your body can be in these higher energies for many more months?
Of course not! All of these big energies have been preparing you for this time we are in NOW!
The Love Wave prewave is all around you, next will be the finale the full Love Wave.
When it rolls in you'll know because the Clarion Call will be released first.
We are there now, you can feel it all around you.
All that's left to do is to allow it all to just happen around us. Hydration is your friend!
Much love and light,