Blue = homeostasis/calm, not much activity in the energetic response. Gaia is taking a breather.
Green = 3D energy being purged and transmuted
Red/orange = more dense than green energy. Reflects that the core has been charged, energy is flowing and the color red/orange in the graphs shows the blockages within Gaia being released and the incoming energy is assisting with this transmutation.
You’ll see that around the white patches on the graph. There is a release and transmutation taking place. White = incoming high frequency gamma rays, reflected on the SR graph, shows a power increase is taking place, the energy is over flowing the electromagnetic field and lighting up.
We are getting chakra activations and upgrades of 5D light coding in our DNA, channels open up and we have more light. Depending on your sensitivity, you might feel the amping up before it reaches full capacity, but during the white patches is when we experience ascension symptoms.
Purging as Earth’s grids and collective consciousness is being wired, lighting up, lightning discharges are taking place and amplifying us. During the purge stages, you may experience nausea, extreme headaches, eye pressure, blurred vision, body aches and pains, vertigo, dream state opens up. "