We have what the Farmers Almanac is calling the Strawberry Full Moon tonight.
It rises tonight at 8:22 pm EDT and will be viewed as full by 11:42 pm EDT.
Like the tides, the moon pulls on the water in our systems, causing us to act in ways that we wouldn't necessarily.
I know you've heard of Full Moon Fever.
Anyone who's worked in a hospital will tell you on the night of a full moon, some of the strangest and most magical things can happen.
Then add into that all the Ascension energies layering in, each round stronger than the last.
You have one amazingly strong and magical day.
One that is made just for you.
Take a moment today and close your eyes and feel into the energies.
Then ask your team what they'd like to show you today.
You might be surprised what pops into your head.
Take care of yourself in these energies, but also your pets.
In these bigger energies, they need extra water, love, and possible different foods.
Everything is coming together now all around you.
Allow yourself to walk fully in your light.
Keeping your vibration at a healthy level and being mindful that your thoughts, words & emotions all align are the keys to this time.
Have a magical weekend, Divine One!
Much love and light,