Tiara Kumara – The spiritual journey has taken us on a long and winding road to help us realize our divinity. We now know that we are truly a divine spark, made in the image and likeness of our Creator. We now know that we are interconnected and one with all life.
To walk in the light of oneness, we abide by a brand new thought system that is coded to universal principles. These guiding truths far surpass the vibrational density of mass human perception and its highly polarized world.
When this new thought system is embodied, we become fearless… and timeless. We naturally elevate to be the bridgewalkers who traverse the many dimensions of awareness, and, who are also fully grounded in the human design.
It’s definitely a very unique and quite challenging experience to master.
Ascension is an immense, multifold process of personal empowerment that moves the entire human blueprint into expanded fields of perceptual intelligence.
It is an organic evolutionary process. Through the many phases of ascension, we are essentially shedding the old self to bring forth a rebirth into our truer self and core essence of love and light.
This rebirth occurs inwardly and in the consciousness, triggering a complete reality shift.
It involves fusing and synthesizing with many aspects of who we are as a totality of consciousness.
This melding of energy recalibrates our entire vibrational existence into a more refined reflection. Many refer to this as the new “Divine Human.”
Ascension, at our current phase of evolution, means to raise our vibration into group consciousness.
Group consciousness is actually our ‘Greater Self’ on the very next rung of the evolutionary ladder.
This indeed, is enlightened collective consciousness, that selflessly thinks together, feels together and moves together through the grid of telepathic inter-relationship.
In actuality, we are building, seeding and encoding the new consciousness matrix for the new humanity.
We encode this new matrix through our direct experiences of personal awakening and ascension.
Herein lies the alchemist’s key to your Divine Purpose.