zaterdag 23 november 2019

Cosmic Body Alignment Update:Natoya Hall

Cosmic Body Alignment Update
Natoya Hall

We are entering the deep alignment of our cosmic bodies.
When I had my initiation/journeying ceremony on my birthday I was guided into the realignment of my cosmic body. This was intense for me and I’m still feeling the integration weeks later. The cosmic alignment happening right now is aligning our body to handle, morph and operate from a much higher frequency range. What this does is many things:

1. The dormant parts of you that are able to heal instantly gets turned on and activated. This can feel like death as these very very high frequencies attune our cells, blood and DNA. During this activation you are healing deep soul seated issues from your lineage and energy imprints from lifetimes that ONLY you can heal because you have access and the wisdom to know how to do this (whether you are aware or not). Many family issues may arise with this especially with our parents. The Root, Sacral and Plexus govern this “change over”. Having problems urinating, discharge, cycle changes, Mars in Scorpio is assisting with deep sexual issues and alignment with our sensual energy, anger, jealousy, worth issues, second guessing yourself and excessive worrying to name a few.

2. This information/ Activation I received from my Mentor Grandmother Selina Mu but I was guided to go into it much deeper in 2020. So this is just the “basics”. The Chakras are returning to the original imprint of taking in high frequency energies.

The Root Is governed by Mama Gaia
The Sacral is governed by Mama Cosmic Luna
The Plexus, Father Central Sun
The Heart Chakra, The Milky Way
The Throat is governed by the Universe
The Third-Eye has returned to the Multiverse
The Crown is governed by the Omniverse

With this “return” many are going through massive initiations, healing, purging, rewiring... Remembering. As the body attunes, many will feel “sick”, a deep sense of loss or that something is about to happen but you don’t know what. Your Shadow and Ego are also going through a cosmic dance as they are dismantled and going through an assimilation with your new emotional body. One of the reasons when we were going through those massive attacks a few weeks back that it was important to work on your worth, self-esteem, shadow and the ego.
I’ve always loved the body, ever since my awakening 20 years ago My Team as been teaching/ reminding me so much about “death” and how the body as been and will be working in higher Dimensional and multidimensional energies, I’m so exited for what’s to come and what I’m being guided to “teach” next year!
It’s a welcome home party, really. This is the body and mind you have on your Star Planets and as this awakening accelerates so too does the metamorphosis of your vessels into a higher “functioning” vessel. Are we feeling it right now? Goddess knows we are getting our ass kicked BUT this HAS to be for us to live comfortably in higher frequencies WHILE taking our physical bodies along! Start to speak to your cosmic bodies. AA Metatron, THOTH, AA Raphael, The Arcturians, The Elohim are all on standby to assist. Mother Gaia says to lay your hands on her and she will send energy from the Crystalline Core to assist. Telepathically connect to the trees (They are transmitters), the Water, Mama Watah is working with our cells and DNA, charge and speak with her as you drink and bathe. Your light language and codes are asking to come out, scream and just let it out especially when you feel sick and overwhelmed.

Kasha-lamet- coska- la~ May you return into your cosmic alignment with ease and love.

There you are! Welcome back