NEW Earth = Unity Love Consciousness: Is This How You Live Every Aspect of Your Life?

I'm seeing so many mis-perceptions of what NEW Earth is... so many "thinking" one day they will just wake up with a new body and a new reality, and while this is true, it is also not true. This is a transformation and evolutionary process where your BODY EVOLVES AS LIGHT, where deep inner SOUL work gives you access to a higher vibrational REALITY than you had access to before, THROUGH YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS FIRST... then your body gets to come along, then your physical restructures to MATCH your new vibrational frequency, your new mindsets, your new understandings, awarenesses and YOUR ACTIONS on how you live your every moment now.
NEW Earth will first become visible in your dream state (other dimensions), in your mind's eye, in your heart, yet the actual EXPERIENCE of NEW Earth is a multi-dimensional one. The actual experience is a VIBRATIONAL RESPONSE to how long you can SUSTAIN and MAINTAIN your own higher states of consciousness and awareness to actually SHIFT THE VIBRATION (re-code) physical matter for an actual physical experience to be your new reality all of the time.
A partial commitment, a "only when it suits you", a moment of consciousness with majority of the rest of your moments unconscious will bind your body to Old Earth to live out/play out those old Matrix programs over and over again, BECAUSE the programming for them is inside of you. Those realities OUTSIDE are your vibrational match, they are a holographic and physical response, that you believe into reality for your own experience here.
As you shift what's important, as you start to truly care, as you detach and completely let go of supporting, participating and feeding your life force energy into that which represents an unconscious program, then your reality will start to shift too. Your physical will start to MATCH your NEW Vibration, more and more and more. Your whole body will go through massive clearings to detox/clear the lower vibrational programs from your cellular storage where you held it before.
Experiencing and Living Fully on NEW Earth, means you've chosen continually... a whole new existence over your old earth fear-based, self-serving, survival, give your power away, not loving you/each other realities and replaced them with realities where YOU TRULY CARE, where you step up and you choose LOVE, you CHOOSE UNITY, you CHANGE your entire life, you make a commitment to 'NOT GOING BACK' and you are the one that holds you to the highest version of you that you are.
As your cells start to vibrate, as your Merkaba activates, to carry you through (vibrate your whole body) into a higher/alternate/different dimensional EXPERIENCE, every fear you have, every lack you have (integrity/honor/respect/caring/consideration/kindness) will be activated so that you can see/clear this from within your body, as all of those programs kept your body anchored in the Realms of Amnesia. Living beyond the Veils, means what reality is, is very different than before. As you go Quantum, your StarGate system starts to build (inside and outside of your body), giving you much more (infinite) access and abilities than ever before "as a limited human".
As you start to realize, this is not a logical/linear/human intellectual experience in any way. This is a total surrender of everything you thought you once knew, of your whole body and everything you once held onto (attachment). This is a relinquishing of your EGO realities built upon your own Separation from your own Pure Source Light, this is you identifying which you is in charge and taking your own Power Back, as a Universal Light BEing, not a human one.
The body you occupy, is the body you have to start to care about and treat with the utmost respect, consideration and love. The one that many of us ran in the ground, treated like a foreign entity because we never allowed our Soul to integrate, which brings many to Near Death Experiences (some experience spontaneous NDE's to awaken to higher consciousness). That body is the one that is your vessel to NEW Earth and it requires your love, support and what's the opposite of what you "thought" as a human.
The physical evolution of this process is one of the most challenging aspects of "leaving" Old Earth Realities and transitioning over to NEW Earth. This transition is a full-ego death and where all of that emotional/mental programming was held in the body. This ego death will occur in increments, over our whole lifetime actually, until it's time to fully wake up. Then each moves into an acceleration of this, which moves many into extreme intensity, because the ego was so strong. Some were somewhat awake along the way (hearts more open), therefore the intensity is not 24/7 like it is for other Souls in Human Form. Regardless of the intensity over "time", those moments of full transition are intense, because of how deeply anchored the unconscious Matrix was in every part of the physical body (bones, spine, blood, flesh, heart, brain, nervous system, organs, glands, every cell).
With Earth now moving into the phase it's now in, DNA re-codings (mutations to get the point across to human aspects) increase like never before. This is because the Matrix Program is toxic to the physical body (emotions, thoughts, beliefs), which project out into the physical to create a toxic atmosphere to experience so that more can become aware/see/choose. Remaining UNCONSCIOUS now RETURNS a more extreme and difficult reality to wake each up.
For those who have been DEEP ASLEEP BENEATH THE VEILS, this will start to play out "louder" in many ways. At first, because of total unawareness on many levels, it starts by "affecting" the body, jobs, income, relationships and appears as "loss" to open each's heart more and to diminish the hold of the resistant, argumentative, refusing to listen/see (or do anything/complacency due many reasons) by the human-ego-aspect. Being "comfortable" in unconscious realities mean that realities have to be shaken up. These are "timeline collapses", where the amount of "time" each has is now shorter/gone, to try to "hold on" to old program realities. These timeline collapses mean that that reality is no longer highest aligned. That the vibration has reached high enough to "disrupt" the program that was perceived as "solid" and "safe" before. This means that the CONSTRUCTS that the reality was built upon are not solid, because there is something out of harmony/misaligned, something discordant, some kind of lack involved... this means that there is something for the human aspect to learn (awaken to) about what is PURE and what is not, about what is unity or separation, about what is unconscious and what is fully conscious, because the human aspect has to be completely RE-EDUCATED on everything and the ego aspect thinks it knows everything, thinks human intelligence matters, thinks that how much they own/have or how much control they think they have is what "controls" reality, when in fact, everything is the opposite of those truths.
One's Soul is PURE SOURCE INTELLIGENCE and abides by all new rules/laws, governed by a LOVE that holds all accountable and responsible for their acts towards humanity/Gaia and all as ONE. Human aspects do not hold the capacity (yet), because their physical body is constructed through carbon-based atomic codes that are denser and hold the body to denser vibrational dimensions/realities where other realities are not visible or even considered real. Human aspects only care when their lives are affected, which is what shall occur to wake them up. Human aspects (ego) do not realize that their SOUL must integrate into their bodies for their bodies not to die and for them to bring their body with them to live on a WHOLE NEW EARTH.
Humans want linear answers that fit into their realities, their established systems and beliefs, not realizing that's not how any of this works. Our beLOVEd Gaia has now achieved a vibration high enough, with the "assistance" of the merging of photonic atmospheres in the air that we breathe, to collapse every one of those structures of what reality was believed to be. The increase in PHOTONIC ACTIVITY on a daily basis, brings forth many things. Amplifying distortions SO LOUDLY that each must choose Consciously, from their own heart/soul too, otherwise the vibrational reverberation of unconscious transmission is faster, stronger, louder, more extreme.
We have passed the days (vibrations) of being able to "live" (exist) in unconscious realities anymore. Getting to NEW Earth and leaving a dying old earth, means each has to start to TAKE GREAT CARE in every decision they make, in every action, every transmission and start to ACT LIKE HIGHER SELVES, instead of continuing to place blame and continuing to give their power away by "waiting for others to be the conscious one". Each one is to step up and STOP the old unconscious ways to be able to transition over to NEW Earth now. This is not a "what others are doing", this is a "YOUR REALITY EXPERIENCE IS A RESULT OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING/BEING VIBRATIONALLY". Your experience is your transmission playing out for you to see.
The Unconscious Realms are dying. For some this will occur over "time" still, because of the amount of separation held within their body templates, yet this is expediting too. Human aspects cannot see their cells and what is going on inside of them. They cannot see the SILENT KILLER of being Unconscious and how it destroys the cellular structures of the human physical body. They cannot see the toxins they breathe/ingest/bring into their bodies. They cannot see that every emotion suppressed "eats away" at healthy cells. That by choosing to remain unconscious about anything, means that they are choosing to close their heart. This shuts down oxygen, blood flow and each's LIGHT to be able to integrate into the physical body fully, this Light BEing their own Soul. Everything one puts into their body either supports LIVELIHOOD, SUPPORTS LIVE, supports integration and detoxing/cleansing old programs or it works to "override/suppress" natural UNIVERSAL functions of the body, that naturally already knows how to tune, harmonize and live in unison. It's the human (ego) aspect that tries to control, fix and fit into human explanation boxes that are not "true". Human aspects do not understand that truth is subjective and beliefs create realities to be real.
Our "jobs" as WayShowers and Forerunners (all of us) is to DO the highest consciousness realities and then share the information through our own actual experiences here. We share the knowledge VIBRATIONALLY, we've worked diligently for years to bring forth "from the other dimensions" and make it available for all who do not have access yet. Human aspects do not want to hear or see, because they want their lives to conform to the perceptions of what is safe, normal or real. Realities built upon lies, untruths, hidden agendas and misuse of power and not one care for humanity or our earth, this is what we all agreed to when we decided to enter the realms of amnesia/unconsciousness to awaken into and completely transcend.
Human ego aspects don't like "new awareness", because it means they have to actually DO something that's higher aligned (through Loving, kind acts for EACH OTHER, which usually means their physical reality is going to be affected, so they will compromise integrity to remain in a system of trying to en-force old unconscious mentality beliefs. These realities create abrupt wake up calls and harsh realities to occur now. Choosing the fully conscious realities the only thing now supported by these ultra-high vibrational photonic light codes that are bombarding the human body/human physical reality to UPGRADE all to NEW EARTH STATUS... yet each must DO THE WORK. First inside and then out out there, as it's not just enough to be aware. We all actually have to re-align our own realities from inside to a much higher dimensional plane of existence for each one of us to have the EXPERIENCE here.
As each starts to truly open up and accept that everything is going to dramatically change, that everything is AFFECTED by multi-dimensionality and that EVERYONE is a part of this, that every experience, every physical thing, every action must be of the highest state of consciousness in order to "survive" and THRIVE... Each one of us CREATE a REALITY that's aligned with love to actually exist in, to experience and it's each one of us that ANCHORS these realities here.
Our individual realities reflect our current dimensions that our bodies occupy and how expanded we are able to maintain as a State of Consciousness here. Our Collective Realities are a reflection, a vibrational match to all who UNITE AS LOVE and hold the highest vibrational everything as a Unit, as a Team, as fully-invested PARTNERS all here to BE THE NEW EARTH together with our Earth, together with each other and together with all of the other highest dimensional realities that we are RESPONSIBLE for bringing forth here.
Your physical body and physical reality are going to DNA RE-WRITES, which means nothing is going to conform to what you once thought. Now you have to listen to your bodies, love your bodies, support your bodies, care for your bodies, yet not like your human aspect would. Now, as your own Conscious Self, one who connects with your body as a Higher-Self-Soul and realizes your body is BEGGING for you to listen and do what it takes to honor it, while it works ridiculously hard for you.
Your physical reality DEMANDS that you align all as love, that you stop supporting/allowing the old with your actions, your money, your energy, your beliefs and you actually CHOOSE THE HIGHER ROAD/TIMELINE and do whatever it takes to align to your highest state of consciousness instead of continuing to allow your lower (ego) state to make decisions/rule.
The increase in PHOTONIC INFLUXES affect what is perceived as reality in all "new" ways. They exacerbate, accelerate, distort, amplify and align all instantly, strongly and powerfully. The aspect of you that is PRESENT is the one transmitting/creating your reality that occurs for you to experience here. Your human cannot "see" (or comprehend) that what you are projecting out in this moment right now, vibrationally is CREATING/ACTIVATING a reality to come back around/be delivered to you to experience in your physical. This is why it's beyond important that EVERYTHING YOU DO be of your highest aspect of you. Then what you are activating vibrationally is the most amazing dimensional experiences here! ♥
I will be sharing more on supporting the body/LightBody (not all understand their LightBody, as "how" all works is "learned"/understood over "time" and continual experiences so that your human aspect can learn.... To bring your body out of the 4th Dimension of Duality, it's got to achieve a certain vibration in order to "leave" the EXPERIENCE of the old unconscious realities. As a multi-dimensional, you will still be able to observe the other dimensions, yet they will not be a part of your reality that you actually experience. Human aspects cannot perceive multi-dimensional realities, because they only have their own experiences to draw from. The alternative is "too weird", which means they resist that which challenges their current perceptions of reality, not understanding that the "pass-through" phase from Old Earth to new is not only "bizarre" for awhile, it will challenge everything until they emerge on the "other side". Then all starts to level out and a "new norm" is established. One that's beautiful, magical, kind, loving and full of abundance in every way.
The beauty of NEW EARTH is that you've aligned your realities through Unity-Love-Consciousness, both your physical and your consciousness and you keep all aligned from inside, so that your experiences reflect the most amazing realities back. You are not "scared" to do the work, all of it, because it supports your new amazing existence and is for all on earth/all of humanity and every dimension too. You realize the importance and you step up, contribute, share, support... you don't have to be asked (or pushed or forced). You are connected with all as ONE and everything is FOR ALL, there's no duality of "against" in any way. You hold your new realities in place, opening up opportunities for others to CHOOSE NEW EARTH too. You respect all other's choices for the dimension they choose to experience, because you understand the important of each experience to "teach", work through separation/unconscious programming and as all are ready, they will arrive/materialize for you, because you've finally vibrated into a dimensional timeline where they already exist too!
Get ready loves. Tune into the VIBRATION of all. Tune into your own body's vibration, the vibration of what's going on in your reality/all around you and realize YOU HOLD THE POWER to shift everything yourself, tune or step completely out of a reality in order to allow a new one to come forth that much higher aligned too! ♥
I love you! Remember, whatever you are aligning with, this becomes your realities here. ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown