02/25/18 NewsLetter: Supporting Your Multi-Dimensional Body For MORE LIGHT To Be Held By YOU! Collective Physical Body Ascension

going to be more important than ever now to honor your physical body,
with your Living Plasma Crystalline LightBody DNA Activating at an
Accelerated Rate
With each activation and phase, our DNA awakens our physical body to come online more through Higher Consciousness, while making unconscious programs visible/audible/feel-able so we can identify them for transcending from within.
What your body will "need", will be different all along the way. There are no more "have to's" or "should's", like there was in ego dominant realities. Here, there is what feels right, what resonates, what speaks to you, what you know inside and what your body/higher self/Universe shows you/tells you. Those "random" thoughts become Universal Messages (light encoded information) for you to pay attention to and "learn" how to utilize this information to enhance your own life.
With each activation and phase, our DNA awakens our physical body to come online more through Higher Consciousness, while making unconscious programs visible/audible/feel-able so we can identify them for transcending from within.
What your body will "need", will be different all along the way. There are no more "have to's" or "should's", like there was in ego dominant realities. Here, there is what feels right, what resonates, what speaks to you, what you know inside and what your body/higher self/Universe shows you/tells you. Those "random" thoughts become Universal Messages (light encoded information) for you to pay attention to and "learn" how to utilize this information to enhance your own life.