zondag 4 juni 2023

Trust whatever the energy of this Full Moon is bringing up for you ~ Georgina Beament

Trust whatever the energy of this
Full Moon is bringing up for you - it's meant to be exactly how it is! Nothing is out of place.
This Full Moon is a biggy and severing everything that is no longer meant to BE in your life, especially the people (soul family) you are connected to and the relationship you have with yourself.
It's bringing everything up for you to change and let go of deeper.
It's asking you - what do you truly want now? No more half hearted anything! If things have been out of balance, not sincere you will see and feel it BIG TIME!
Trust what you are shown, in all areas. You will feel it, so trust how your body is speaking back to you. Your senses are picking everything up perfectly.
This Full Moon is serving everything for you to let go, evolve and grow.
Trust is something you gain as you lean deeper into knowing everything is working for you... Even if it hurts, painful, shocking feedback, it is all being exposed to release you from... Everything that isn't for you or your highest good and the new path you are about to enter to walk.
You are Safe delivered to each destination perfectly.
I love you