vrijdag 23 juni 2023

Over this past solstice ~ Aluna Joy

Over this past solstice, I felt a presence of an ancestral grandmother that represented the collective from past generations. She was old, but not weary. She said the ancestors can no longer carry us further into the future. Their job was done. They have taken us as far as they can go. The baton of creation has been passed on to us. We will be the new creators moving forward from this point on.
Because of this passing we might feel a deep grief or sadness. Much like the feeling of losing a loved one. In a sense, we have lost loved ones. We also might feel a little lost, unsure, and not clear about what is next. We might feel the pressure of the magnitude of this new project. We might feel anxiety with the unknown as it is laid out in front of us like an endless blank canvas, the great ocean of creation. We could also feel the need to reinforce our self confidence and attune this to a new higher frequency. We are now entering a time and learning curve that we have never experienced before.
In a sense we are starting from scratch. But we have done this before in ages past. Many of us here come back, over and over, just to experience a shift of an age. We have done this before so we have this memory of this deep inside of us, therefore we can do this again.
The old support system from our ancestors that has guided us thus far can no longer be much assistance to us. But that does not mean we are without powerful cosmic reinforcements. Our Star families, that we are all connected to if we know it or not, are still with us and will continue to support us with their wide perspectives and their ability to see the bigger picture.
Our Star families, or guide etc, will not tell us what to do, as this is our job to do now. We are the creators for the great foundation of this new cycle. But they will assist with helping us to see things from different and greater perspectives. As a human beings, coming out of the limiting programs of an old crumbling world, these new perspectives and opportunities will be a challenge to recognize.
The laws of nature are shifting radially now and the possibilities are widening all around us. We will learn to create in a world with less restrictions, but with more responsibility. We will be asked to further refine our impeccability with our creations and pull from a higher wisdom. We will need to be open to see beyond our old programming. We will need to stretch beyond what we have known and be open to expect the unexpected. We need to be open to opportunities we could have never imagined before. We will be called to trust our hearts more than ever, because minds can only lie to us. Our minds only know the past. Our hearts can feel the future.
Because there is no path in front of us to follow, our path will appear in front of us with each step we take; with each decision we make. Each step we take will be supported by creation itself if that step comes from wisdom from our own unique heart center and our divine purpose. We may not know what that divine purpose is, and maybe this is a good thing. At this time of tricky transition our contaminated minds could easily misdirect our purpose with old patterns and routines and learned techniques. But there is a plan. We are invited to stay present in each moment. Take each step as we feel called from our hearts. Be patient but also be bold! These will be small steps at the start. Just remember, it takes a lot of small steps to climb a grand mountain.
I am reminded of the concept that the universe is self leveling. We simply cannot mess this up. If any part of the creation that is out of alignment with laws of nature will be self corrected, or no longer be supported. Simple as that. So be fearless dear ones. Be wise like a elder, but innocent like a child . . . and never, never, ever, give up on your unique brand of magic. Be, live, create and manifest your piece in the grand puzzle that is this new creation. Together we will build a New World.
It takes me a long time to open to and gather my messages and a lifetime of watching and learning how to do so. So please don’t copy and paste elsewhere without credit given. Be kind and conscious and use the SHARE button for instead. Appreciate my time and effort that I offer freely for you and others.

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