vrijdag 23 juni 2023

No one ever tells you ~ Mary Allison

No one ever tells you
The moment you find your power
Is also the minute
You meet your demons
Because it’s not a matter of “finding” your power,
But more so remembering it
Power that has been inside you
Ever since your inception
Hiding underneath the ancient burden
Of unrealized Potential
Stagnation – to power – is like concrete
Laid upon lush and fertile soil
Your authenticated coding,
Your Soul’s vocation
When stunted, when bounded
By darkness
Cocooned in archaic trauma,
Encased in ancient webs of wounding
Lost and forgotten
In the shadowy realm, of unprocessed pain
Has been calling you
From the minute
You closed your eyes
To your own spirit
When you remember who you are
All that ever was
In denial
In neglect
In repudiation
Of your Capacity
To reach higher
To transcend farther
To go deeper
Your power remerges
And along with it
Every single memory
Doubt, and trauma
That attempted to convince you
To forget
What you’re made of
And so, the journey home,
Would not be complete,
Without your inner demons
Greeting you at the gate
But this moment,
Is very different,
From the rest
In this moment
You step forward
Instead of retreating
And running away..

Written by Mary Allison
Art by SheWhoIsArt