zaterdag 24 juni 2023

I have had the strangest Feeling today, like Shift is going to hit the fan ~ Mary Long

I have had the strangest Feeling today, like Shift is going to hit the fan.
Feeling a lot shifting right now, this floaty feeling I have some days I have to sit down where I stand because if I don't I may fall over.
Been a bit emotional the last couple days too, crying about things and miss some family.
But I have spent my whole life missing family.
Just another day of processing those emotions and allowing the tears to flow freely.
I even got teared up about letting Cricket (bird) it go, it is quite apparent he wants to be free.
He absolutely refuses to go in the cage now.

Waiting on a Licensed wildlife rehabilitator to call me because Cricket just doesn't want to eat on his own. I thought he had today but oh no. Since I didn't feed Cricket this morning he just threw the food all over the place. At least we know he can pick up food, now if he would just eat it. lol.
Been one of those kind of days, Cats have been a bit restless or sleeping all the time.
I would Love to get more sleep but to much going on in this house right now, lol.
Keep an eye on the skies Dear ones, lot's of activity up there and I can feel a really big shift taking place within Mother Earth.
Excitement above and below, it's like here we glow again.

Vibrant Sun Facing Flares, still in the Solstice Energy as well.
Hold on to those Shirts and your Pants who knows which way it will go.
Only Source Knows.
Have a Magical Weekend sending Love to all you Souls out there.