donderdag 22 juni 2023

ANOTHER DAY OF BIG ENERGIES! ~ A Girl in the Universe

We have several different types of solar energies gathering today.
The biggie is the continuing chance for more M & X Class Solar Flares.
We also have a lot of transient plasma filaments floating between the sun and our planet.
The intensifying solar winds whips over the sun's Coronal Holes, picking up more filaments and then pushing all of that straight into the planet.

Between all of that we also have another CME from the most recent X Class Flare possibly arriving late tonight into tomorrow.
We have a Geomagnetic Storm warnings.
A chance for KP levels to rise from 4 to 6 today.

And that's just what's planned!!
We have energies being shot into the dark side of the planet from our Galactic famlies which are increasing the energies.
Plus, Love Wave energies all around you at this now moment, soaking into your system and opening up your knowings, understandings, and abilities.

Another day made just for you in the energies!
To expand into the amazing BEing you truly are.
Embrace what is shown to you today.

You are in the middle of upgrading in such magical ways.
Everything you've ever felt you wanted to be is opening up for you now.
See it, Feel it, Allow It.
Don't let your 3d mind talk you out of your truths.

You are truly so special, it's time for you to remember it all.
The energies of today are helping to open that within you.
Trust in you!!
Everything you need for this time on your journey is within you.

Much love and light,