dinsdag 6 juni 2023

Alchemy ~ Mike Harrigan

The alchemy of turning everything into love is our biggest challenge in this world.
As Empaths, Starseeds, Healers, Energy Workers, Lightworkers and Human Beings, we are faced daily with the challenge of this work.
No matter how dark the situation is, I always ask myself first: "What do I need to learn from this?"
In any given moment.
Sometimes the lesson is not for me to learn, but to observe and to acknowledge it, then to release it.
Many of us are being challenged in one way or another. Apart from all the darkness coming out to be healed in the world at this time.
We are being faced with our own darkness also.
Relationships are being tested, with our partners, children, parents, siblings and friendships. Everything that has been swept under the carpet,
is all coming up for processing and transformation at this point in time.
It's not an easy task, nor is shadow work for the faint hearted. However, we must persevere, because this is precisely what we came here to do.
The alchemy of turning everything into love.
Love is the highest vibrational frequency on the planet. It doesn't get any higher or better than this.
Especially when we get caught by surprise, I always say that, anything and everything is possible.
So if I'm being tested, I am grateful for the lessons.
Bring your mind, heart, and soul into alignment with Love. For Love is the glue that holds everything together.
We co-create with love. We also co-create with God, through our intent, and with our choices and decisions.
I am sending Love, Light and Abundant Blessings and Flow to everyone on the planet and to all sentient beings including all the animals, and Mother Earth, Gaia.
Life is a miracle, don't let it slip away!
Always remember to bring your awareness back to Love. Because this is the true alchemy and what we are here to do!
Remember to live your best life!
Beloved Souls.
Creator and Author.
Mike Harrigan.
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Universal Consciousness..