vrijdag 23 juni 2023

A meeting with the whales ~ Annebelle Wind

A meeting with the whales.
I meet them in an ocean layer close to the crystalline heart center of mother earth. They are with many. Swirling around me. Asking for my attention. I see other people here also in this ocean around the crystalline heart center in their own traveling sphere, as am I.

Than a light flash and all the whales were in a frozen position locked into this light beam. Their heart and sonar area were locked into this light as well. It was bright and sharp and like a web. It didn't feel pleasant and I saw fear in the eyes of the whales. It came from the pyramids at the bottom. There are a lot. I didn't know if I had to do something. I followed the beam to one of the pyramids and found a structure inside that was tilted.

I pushed it back into alignment and the light that came out of the top of this pyramid softened. I went in my lightning speed mode and went to a lot of other pyramids and did the same. I saw others who were here also doing this as well. The whole web of light that these pyramids gave of changed to a soft light filling this ocean. The whales were happy. Their hearts and sonar system still connected with this field of the pyramids but now in a supportive and soft way, like a glow that filled up and uplifted the whole field in this ocean. Charging the waters of the whole planet from the inside out.

I went to the heart center of mother earth and sat down on the crystal. I could see other there to. A circle of people. I know we were saying that this mission was a success. I couldn't make out who were there. But clearly a team were I was a part of. This is new. Very interesting and beautiful to experience and maybe recognizable for others.

This creation I have made a while ago feels very alive and represents the energy's of this journey.