zondag 12 februari 2023

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence


In case it supports…remember there is a higher frequency LIGHT PATTERN within our earthy Solar Cycle. A spiral we each traverse. So Solar (month) themes, both collective themes and personal individual themes arise, are revisited at the same timelines each year, but at variable frequencies per individual.

Keep going. Energies are always continuously increasing. Affecting EVERYONE on the planet differently, as per their baseline changeable energy frequency. Everything not seen must come to the surface from within. In order to dissolve, let go, release, rise from, to a higher frequency. And once seen, each CAN if they CHOOSE, choose again…their own HIGHEST choice.

Or not choose the highest choice and the theme will re-appear again and again, will intensify, seem to cycle, until seen. There is no right or wrong choice, but always choice that starts with the energetic frequency that creates the THOUGHT. The higher frequency light layers are designed for each to be set free. The highest choice comes ONLY from within the HEART. Not choice made OF the mind separated from the Heart. The mind can choose to ALLOW the Heart Portal and rise to higher frequency thus highest choices.

Below are 2 links, in case they support at all, in this timeline. If not please just discard.

24 December 2022 WAYSHOWERS update explains collective timeline for February/March 2023:
Also in terms of above link, that explains 22 February LIGHT LATER ARRIVAL. A note for your awareness: Think of a set of weighing scales; As higher Light Laws present, there is also disruption and disarray that plays out at lower frequency experience of Consciousness. So to be aware there is always a disruptive SCENE around 21, 22 and 23 February. This can be a collective global scene, or an individual presentation to you at individual level. Key is to be aware. For there is choice: to be DISTRACTED by any OUTER man-made event or have the wisdom and consciousness to not be influenced, dragged in or be affected. As that WILL lower your own energetic frequency.

If we choose to not be distracted by outer man-made events in the collective scene, or individual events presented to us at any personal scene, we stay at optimum FREQUENCY to receive at our OWN frequency level, the NEW LIGHT LAYER arriving on 22 February 2023. Also, the highest frequency choice would not be to go into DEFENCE reaction (guard) which is only the ego, defending you. But to simply choose to stay in the INNER DIVINE LOVE state of being, maintain that, as your daily being. For this is the highest ANSWER. Your heart being your own divine Portal, you choose, rise with, into higher and higher frequency OCTAVES. That in turn raises your FREQUENCY that incrementally brings further living embodiment of your consciousness.

12 February 2020 WAYSHOWERS update explaining belief systems within 3d and 4d that will present to many:

Regardless of all I share, be true to YOUR Self…Only YOU set yourself FREE. From WITHIN YOU. It’s all there…within you.

With so much Love,
12 February 2023