zondag 26 februari 2023

Energy / Ascension update: Do not fear the changes ~ David Alexander Lightfoot

Energy / Ascension update: Do not fear the changes, embrace the changes and divine love and guidance coming in on all levels / We Are Ascending

All powerful changes within and without are happening due to more solar flares, cosmic upgrades that continue to push and help us purge all that no longer serves us from this and past lives, our multi dimensional lives and this can feel overwhelming.
This includes purging a deeper layer with traumatic events and fear release.
Please keep in mind the rest of the world that is not awake have no clue what is happening, there is much panic and fear on surface from others not awake projecting their anger and frustrations.
We are feeling old emotional and trauma wounds on surface with doubts of the new loving and true higher love relationships with other people and a divine counterpart is possible as we do not want to be hurt or abandoned again.
Even our beloveds and divine counterpart are struggling to open their hearts more for unconditional and higher unity love and connection to us.
We need not worry, they also are transmuting and purging trauma's and old karma from many life times and this life, they do this on their pace. We just hold space for them to find us.
Fear is not real, it is the absence of love, only love is real and only love can heal.
Fear can only take over when we close our heart, when we stop believing and withdraw. Do not let this happen! How can we fear our dream life, dream partner right.
We can not close our heart for real unity love. There is no reason to doubt, we can not go back to how things were and stay in old victim energies.
How can we fear a new and real divine life of unity love with like minded friends, love and soul family in higher consciousness and abundance.
Be loving and kind to yourself and practice unconditional love with others. March will bring even more change so relax as we are fully supported stepping into the new.
There is no need to prove yourself to anyone. Connect with your ascended and ascending family to be aligned with the best possible outcome.
We are ascending and receiving more love upgrades daily now so we only need to observe, all divinely guided and supported and need to start celebrating
I have attached 2 great prayers / affirmations to support (see both artwork Photos).
Much love
David Alexander Lightfoot