donderdag 14 oktober 2021

Surrender to the Light ~ Mary Long

Surrender to the Light.

Allow the Loving Light energies within you as our bodies continue to change, as our consciousness continues to shift.

Our minds are so programmed to believe in something that really has no relevance to what we are truly experiencing as humans right now.

As we continue to rebirth ourselves as the planet continues to change it is not always an easy process, but from my own experience it is best to just surrender to it.

Sleep if you are tired, if you have to work during the day, go home and lay down, be still and just allow it all to integrate. Don't allow the mind to tell you that there is something else you need to be doing, that is programming of what we have been told to do.

It is vital in these moments to trust your Spirit, to trust what you feel. We must feel our way through life during these vibrant times as the collapse of our outer world continues to crumble.

Our Consciousness is shifting, as more awaken it will continue to feel chaotic outside of us. This must take place in order for the old systems to crumble so the new can emerge.
We can not fix the problems of this planet at the same level they were created, the only way to change it, is to continue flowing with it.

At times it may feel hard, I know this by my own experiences, but the more we just let go of it and focus on our truest intentions it will continue to crumble so that we can come into alignment with the Joy of Life rather than cultivating the feeling of being trapped in it all.

Silence is golden right now, try to walk on this world as if you are in a constant meditation where nothing can disturb your presence.

Just let it all flow with out resistance.
Change can be scary at times as we continue to unveil what has been hidden from us, so many say will it ever be normal again.

No, because it isn't comfortable in that space, what we feel has been controlled for so long that many just don't understand the concept of the change that must take place.

Happy Thursday Loves, may your day be filled with Peace in your Minds and Love in your Hearts.