donderdag 14 oktober 2021

“Steady As She Goes!” – By Dr. Schavi M. Ali

“Steady As She Goes!” – By Dr. Schavi M. Ali

The phrase “Steady as She Goes” is often used by seas-going captains.
It can be used now to express that Mercury is just about five days away from its direct motion on Monday, October 18th, 2021.
However, the post-shadow will be in effect until Saturday, November 6th, 2021 when Mercury will move from Libra (balance) into Scorpio (transformation) in the Tropical Zodiac.

During the last week of a Mercury Retrograde, energy begins to increase in the cosmos, on our planet (which is, of course, a part of the cosmos), and within people.
There is the start of a more outward-movement with humanity rather a slower-paced inner self-reflective energy.
Projects and events begin to be planned, and those which were unwisely forced during the height of the retrograde are now showing problems with follow-through and are usually having to be postponed or completely cancelled.

Those persons who, on the other hand, wisely held off on major projects and events are better able now to slowly move forward.
The key words are “slowly” and “steady” due to the post-shadow that has yet to be contended with as well as the planets which are still retrograde (Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Chiron).
The past few months have truly offered humanity a lesson in patience.

Persons who are prone to impulsivity and irrational actions have found it rather difficult to cope as they were stirred-up with impatience and a tendency to demand immediate actions being taken on things.
They may have endured, therefore, frustration.

Some are now finally realizing that although we have been blessed with free will, there are cosmic energetic vibrational frequencies created by SOURCE which do indeed affect the human physical vessel, mind, and emotions, and thus our various tendencies of thought, feelings, and behavior.
All of creation is a part of a “Grand Divine Design”, and we are free to add our unique “artwork” and use our levels of consciousness as the “paints”.

Some people will produce beautiful spirit-filled creations, but some will produce strange aesthetically disharmonious uncomfortable creations.
The “Global Gallery” will be sunny and bright but also dark and gloomy as humanity travels from “room” to “room” within it.

In reference to the sea-going metaphor, we are sometimes journeying through choppy waters as political leaders disappoint us, as social programs are unworkable in many ways, as medical structures show their dangers, as philosophical notions are revealed as being illusory, and as educational systems break-down in curriculum focus and in teaching and administrative capability.

As the winds whip-up and as the waters become even more difficult to navigate, people are tossed from side to side and hold on to the rails for safety.
Finally, though, the Sun peaks through, and the waters become calm, and people breathe a sigh of relief, release the rails, and walk forward with ease.

The ship becomes steady, and hopefulness and peace returns.
We visit the “ports” of life—school, career, family, friendships, community service, spiritual path, etc.—with ease.

A reader once commented that certain ideas expressed regarding the eventual experiences of peace, joy, abundance, etc. on our planet was all “fluff”.
The individual was angry about particular evil people and their horrible programs not being adequately handled and that those who perpetuate harm need to be arrested and punished.
The “3d” perspective of this individual is accurate.
There are would-be forces which need to be eradicated from being capable of rendering further disruptions.

However, this individual who was merely expressing dire emotional settings and others who think and feel the same way are in need of compassion because they are obviously feeling their own personal disappointments as well as those of a certain percentage of the collective.

Everyone must keep in mind the fact that just because some of us may endeavor to use our free will wisely, others do not and are not even relating to any paradigm of spirituality which involves trust, and thus, faith in the UNSEEN—the ULTIMATE ENLIGHTENED—the INFINITE PRESENCE—SOURCE as our GUIDE, TEACHER, HEALER, PROTECTOR, and BENEFACTOR.

However, SOURCE does indeed provide lessons for our upliftment, and sometimes the lessons involve allowing collective free will to play-out without “seeming” interference.
Like a parent who stands at a distance with outstretched arms waiting to catch the baby who is learning to take its first steps alone, SOURCE is always where we are with outstretched arms.

There is an ancient teaching which states: “God works in mysterious ways”.
We have all witnessed the mysteries of SOURCE unfolding.
They are shown in the rising of the Sun each morning, in the stretching out of lotus blossoms on lakes and ponds greeting the solar rays, in the rain which cleanses the atmosphere, in the birth of new life in humans and animals, and in many other ways.
Yet, there is a tendency to take these things for granted—to not pay attention to the amazing process that is at work in these examples and in numerous others that could be given.

Too much attention is placed upon the “choppy waters”. Certainly we cannot ignore the troubles on our planet because as has been stated in a previous discourse, to do so is to be encased in a fantasy world.
However, just as continuing to stoke a fire causes it to constantly blaze, if we continue to only focus on what is frightening and anxiety-producing, we will continue to stoke its fires.
If, however, we place more attention on daily consciousness elevation, the fires of life will have no recourse but to eventually become a mere flicker, burn themselves out, and finally be no more.

As Mercury steadily moves towards being direct, everyone must think about how the fires can be dissolved.
Remember, fire also transmutes things.
Think of the symbolic Phoenix who rises from the ashes.
The disharmonies that are besetting our planet can be transcended.
Envision Earth/Gaia enveloped in bright sparkling LIGHT and “Her” traveling gradually upwards and being embraced by larger and larger encircling of the rays of the Great Central Sun.

See the rays stretch out into the cosmos which is continually expanding.
See pure LIGHT, and then allow it to bathe you in peace.
We are traveling on a beautiful ship, and we must honor and respect “Her”.
“Steady as She goes.”

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