donderdag 28 oktober 2021



10/27 8:39am 🌎 Schumann Resonance & 🌞 Solar update:
Everyone is feeling this right now in the physical body. Some reported symptoms are loud rushing noises in ears, frequency shifting changes that can be heard as well, headaches, sore muscles, muscle tension and loss of appetite. HOW ARE YOU FEELING?

👉 I (we) hear many of you are wondering, “When will all of this discomfort, pain, and anxiety end? I’ve been spiritually awake for years! When will it let up??” Sweet Beloveds, it isn’t that you are feeling these frequencies so much because you aren’t ‘enlightened’ enough. Your physical bodies are needing to catch up to your consciousness, the greater expanded you are in your lightbody, the more the physical body must catch up if you have neglected it in any way. The frequencies coming in now (all of that orange line coding on the Earth Resonance band we see - 1st band) is assisting you with this. Please find the gratitude in this as this is the assistance that you have been asking for from our Universe. Upgrading the DNA of an entire planet of people, animals, systems, and all of the multi-layered bodies is a MASSIVE undertaking, you aren’t alone. Earths baseline frequency is raising (almost to 8hz at times), all her children are going to go through this as well, ALL of us. No one is left behind on this journey if they remain on Earth. You WILL feel this.

But, remember Angels, you have decided to be here at this time.
This is an incredible blessing and privilege to be here to witness and feel, instead of being an outside observer. Almost like having a front row seat to the the greatest Aurora Borealis show with a Super Nova happening in the background. From the outside, the colors, sounds, and frequencies pouring in are incredibly gorgeous.

That said, it does not have to be as difficult on the body as many perceive it to be. Please, dismantle any belief systems that resonate with that type of frequency. Your realities are capable of changing with ONE THOUGHT. We do this multiple times a day.

Your physical body will undergo more stress during this period if you are encorporating any of the following systems or previously did for many years:
- Alcohol
- Low vibrating substances
- Processed foods, chemically derived diets
- Inadequate sleep/rest levels
- Physical Stagnation
- Internal parasites, excess of bacteria
- Watching/participating in Low vibrating media and events (TV, Social Media, News, Internet, Community)
- Low density belief systems that have permeated the physical body density. (Include Views about yourself, others, ideas lack of any kind, negative perceptions).
Those that have taken great measures to eliminate these ^ over the last few years or have already been doing this for quite some time are finding more bliss, euphoria, and are generally having an easier time, like riding a wave because their vessel is close to the level of their consciousness, at times, their DNA is vibrating at higher rates than Earth. But, to get to this state of being wasn’t easy for most, in fact, the journey here is often paved with heartaches, dismantling identity and ego death as well as great mastery over the physical body. It is an well-deserved privilege.
Those that are just now or recently began eliminating low vibrations are seeing great improvement - but just like a spiral 🌀, the way out is in. So, as you exit the spiral, you will spin faster and faster right before the release and it might LOOK like chaos, but you are just about to leave that perspective or learn that lesson. You might have several spirals to exit. The great news is, that because you are doing the WORK, you will move through them faster and with more ease.
This is also being assisted through these frequencies we are feeling. It is counterproductive to your process if you adopt the frequency that these spikes, coding, big shifts, solar flares, CMEs, and cosmic energy pulses are causing you to feel a negative way and that they present a problem to you in some way. That is just another belief system you are going to have to dismantle, another spiral.
Instead, find immense gratitude for them.
So, beloveds. The symptoms will only decrease when your physical body is vibrating at the same level as your consciousness, but that isn’t a destination. It’s just a state of being. We go through these states many times throughout the day, time
is an illusion, or at least it doesn’t flow in a linear way. Think of spirals .
Your body will catch up, it’s inevitable. You can help your body by being gentle to it, loving it, loving you, taking care of it, listening to it, and cherishing it as this is the physical vessel you are experiencing ascension in. It needs you to be the nurturing, loving, and caring parent. How would you treat a child going through a difficult time? Would you tell the child that they aren’t ‘working’ right, or good enough, or should be different than what they are?” Or would you wrap them up with an warm embrace intended to take away any pain or heaviness, possibly take them out to do something they like or have some fun? Maybe make them some tea and listen to their worries? THAT IS WHAT your body needs right now too.
You are Loved. You are worthy of Love. You are EXACTLY where you need to be right now. Trust yourself and your journey.
Love and Unity,