donderdag 23 april 2020

We Are In the Timeline Our Ancestors Spoke Of By Amanda Lorence

We Are In the Timeline Our Ancestors Spoke Of

By Amanda Lorence
We are IN the Timeline our anscestors spoke of, handed down through story for the mind to read and hear about, yet held also within the DNA that is increasingly activated within us, particularly the key-holders who KNOW the same ‘knowledge’ WITHIN them, without it being learnt by the mind from the outside. If not already, see my WAYSHOWERS post from last week about the timeline of ALL TRIBES coming together as ONE TRIBE as that explains it more.
The codes for each’s FREEDOM were gifted, activated. On what was a Sunday 19th April RE-SET. This means each will have been given ‘the wheels of motion’ for them personally, in order to set the dissolving of ALL distortion of thought, words and deeds, within them, to work through in a more effficient speedy manner. All that does not align to higher truths will have to be seen, to dissolve and fall away. So it will be for some a time of great inner turmoil with highest outcome in place by their HIGHER SELF. Whilst for some this will be a tormuntuous Timeline for them, it ultimately ensures their INNER FREEDOM.

FREEDOM isn’t found via the outside world and dream creation. It is arrived at WITHIN, as a part of the awakening journey that has stages of INITIATION. It is a state of heart felt peaceful sovereignty held within. Aligned in neutrality, not division. Where that freedom gained and experienced within, is able to then knowingly create FREEDOM on the OUTSIDE for all. It is arrived at in alignment with Service to Others as their state, as opposed to a state of Service to Self.
Everyone is a different energetic frequency. A different perceived consciousness. Each person is at their perfectly designed stage of their awakening journey, where there are souls that have also pre-chosen to awaken AFTER transition out of the physical human life. They leave, become free, support those on the ground.
Before SOUL MERGE, the violet flame is GIFTED to the human, a FULL, embodied healing. Some are energetically experiencing peace, harmony, in their heart space. Some have since Sunday’s energies, merged their etherical, eneregtic SOUL (that is made of light), with the physical body. You will know you have done this because the PRE-stage To SOUL MERGE is the experience of feeling, knowing you have left the human race, whilst still in a body. You leave humanity, don’t fit in to it at all. This is because when you (next stage) experience your Soul Merge, you walk, feel, experience, NOT as a human version, but as THE SOUL merged INTO and AROUND the physical body. So you LEAVE. You LEAVE the humanversion, to become the SOUL VERSION. This is felt physically, you see your soul physically, and it becomes your state of being that FEELS exactly as the energy of the SOUL feels. The SOUL does not have ANY human emotions or human thoughts or reactions. It has ZERO reactions to the human experiences. It has ONE ENERGETIC…labelled here as ETERNAL LOVE. It is the energetic essence of ETERNAL LOVE. Every Soul’s purpose is to collect energetic data from the human life experience for its onward soul evolution. I have spoken about the SOUL in a previous video saved here in the videos section. But for now, just to say that SOUL MERGE WITH PHYSICAL BODY is occurring, based on each’s STAGE of their individual awakening.
Because of Sunday’s energy’s (gift), OTHERS will experience a perceived challenging week. They won’t be at peace because Sunday’s energies set their divine path in further massive divine motion aimed towards their inner freedom. For this reason, emotions will be heightened for some. Many will not be able to control their emotions. It is their healing stages in motion. We can not do this for them. But we can hold space, hold energy for them. It is a choice whether to experience another’s inner turmoil or to keep a distance. So do what serves the highest outcome, for each individual will know what to do. In truth, none of it is personal, but a human in turmoil will experience it VERY VERY personally, and project, blame, see through distorted lense of inner turmoil, even if YOU can see the bigger picture of the divine plan. So do what is highest in serving the one in turmoil AND yourself. The highest is to HOLD highest frequency, regardless of the outside. We are not here to be another’s punch-bag. But we are here to hold the highest energy for them, for their healing process, as Love, as THEY go through the SAME stages some have already gone through. If you are not triggered by another in turmoil, you may want to be there for them, as it will not lower your energetic frequency. Key is to hold the highest energy through this current collective timeline. Or you may choose to hold Love, space, and purest healing intentions for them, at a distance. There truly is no SET way to deal with anyone or anything as we each must just make our highest known choice based on our own level of consciousness and each PRESENT circumstance that presents.
Many of us knew, that in these days of collective turmoil, we would be judged by some. We were told to prepare ourselves and become the STRONG, for there would be great judgement upon the earth within humanity. It is a time to be that inner wisdom of peace, that IS your STRENGTH. It is what I call ‘musical chairs’ time; people exit your experience, new people come in. It’s all pre-designed. Where either: human frequencies match closer other human frequencies, via aligned resonance. OR, we attract new people into our lives to experience more ‘lessons’ via them if we can’t yet see that we are the creators of our reality. Contracts are actually now done. Their are none now. There is NOW, just the responsibility of PERSONAL CHOICES MADE, in every moment. That is a huge point in THE WHOLE DIVINE GAME for us to have reached as a collective, for both humanity and each individual.
If you are able, the only thing to do is be WITHIN, holding the highest energy of peace, love and harmony. Be that zero point. Allow all others their journeying through. Hold them energetically with your LOVE. Love yourself so so fully. Hold the highest frequency. For the HUMAN will see through HUMAN MIND and LENSE, home in on details in their mind, of their perceived reality. The soul, AND the Heart will allow all to unfold in no rush, and will be the energetic presence of LOVE, for that is the Soul and Heart’s ONLY frequency, and when the soul is physically embodied/merged IN, we experience this inner state, permanently, as an energy felt.
This collective timeline, this week, will be different for each human being on th planet, experiencing via their consciousness state, so it could be peace, love, chaos, inner turmoil, confusion…and how each experiences this week will be their own experience, not another’s. There’s no right or wrong experience. Just an experience.
Find that inner space to just be and emit Love energy. It will help YOU and help ALL beings and ALL realms get through this current period. Wisdom is in being, Peace.
I also ask with love and wisdom, that any comments made, be conscious, of the energy given out. So that we may help each other maintain highest frequency for the whole and not emit lower frequency that will add lower frequency to the collective consciousness in this amazing potential and transformational collective timeline.
One Love
Amanda Lorence
21 April 2020