woensdag 29 april 2020

How do you know that you are a starseed? ~ Grace Solaris and the Arcturians

How do you know that you are a starseed?

As a starseed you knew from early on deep within your heart, you have come to this planet to make a difference. You always had a strong and indestructable curiousity and an inquenchable thirst to ask questions and never allowed yourself to conform to rules and traditions, as they have proved to go against the nature of evolution itself these last thousands of years in earths planetary history. 

As a starseed you have a naturel tendency to check in with your inner heart wisdom. You do not just “buy” into something, because someone else claims it. This is exactly what starseeds and new earth aquarians are about. They are authentic and true to self. Now what does that mean. So much is written about being authentic and true.

It means an honoring of self as a sovereign being in your own might and right. You do not buy into “authority” on the external. It is something alien to you. Far more you trust your inner gut… you go with your feeling no matter how insane it may seem to others. It may affect you what others think and label you as, however it never let you compromise yourself. 

Your inner heart knowing is too strong to ignore. And hence you are a true revolutionary…. one that brings about change and evolution to create a better world. One that paves the way for others. It is simply a role that you have taken on… a cosmic role, that your soul has volunteered to because of the vast wisdom it carries of the cosmic laws of love in coherence with your soul monad and -group. You are fuelled by and driven by love in all you do. Because you do not know any other way. There is no other option.

You came from the stars to make a difference, to catalyze change and give birth to a new consciousness. Your galactic lineage and inheritance has given you all you need to play out that role and you are experienced in this field, because it is a role you have taken on again and again and again throughout eons. You are the game changer that came forth everytime things got out of balance somewhere in the universe. 

Now it happens to be here on earth, but you have traversed the universe since eons as starseed christ consciousness. Christ consciousness indeed have existed in the universe long time before, beloved Jeshua came from Venus as an emanation of Sananda Kumara as a starseed to this earth. You hold the keys and codes within your dna, within your body of galactic consciousness and have the naturel gifts and talents embedded within your being to promote and awaken this in others. You are not only a frequency holder of christ consciousness and galactic intellegence, a gatekeeper, in fact you are a starportal of immense love and wisdom. The keys and codes that you carry within your being have been sealed to the right moment of time, when you have cleared enough of your incarnational story, to give room for your I Am Presence to take FULLY command of your vessel and reached a maturity (consciousness level) high enough to make correct use of this wisdom i.e. to implement it only according to divine will and to the well-being of all that is. These encryptions are embedded within your dormant dna and within the cells in your body, in etheric crystals, a sort of crystaline memory bank, that only waits to be activated and it has indeed already started to being activated in large groups of the starseed groundcrew. 

You will instinctively know when is the right time for this activation and your higher galactic aspect and guides have been guiding you towards this moment of time and will ensure, that you will get the appropriate activations and upgrades to ensure the availablity of this galactic wisdom, gifts and talents when you are ready to embody the galactic christ consciousness and embrace yourself as a supreme galactic multidimensional being beyond limitations.

We are here to support you in this grand opening of your galactic soul memory and bring you into alignment with your soul´s galactic trajectory. Now is the time for the starseed groundcrew convergence. We encourage you to follow your inner calling to come forth as midwifes, caretakers, initiators, way showers, gamechangers, leaders and mentors and to “catch up” this HUGE awakening pods of souls, that have been triggered in this latest ascension wave thru global lockdown, and turmoil in the collective as we are moving thru the long awaited disclosure and complete dismantling of the old. A FULL global reset is happening throughout the planetary matrix but collectively as well as individualy. 

It is time to come out of your human disguise and trust what your heart always knew to be true, to speak up and come forth and allow for your galactic wisdom to be activated and brought to the forefront. Your galactic higher aspect is catering for this as a member of the star nation conglomerates of light, the galactic high councils of various planetary mentors, that supports earth in its ascension and ongoing evolution. Your higher galactic aspect is reaching out to you now, as you are deeply needed to act out your role as a starseed and to make available the wisdom to your awakening sisters and brothers to ensure a safe passage for them back to their true self, as they are no longer capable of living in denial, as their heart is cracking open behind the scaffolding to reveal a total different story of who they thought they were and the world as they thought it was. 

You are the illuminator, a star portal to the vast wisdom of the universe, that they now need to wake up to and find within their very being. It doesn´t make you better in any way, you are just one expression of the vastness of the creator, the universal sea of love, and it happens to be your role in the cosmic play of evolution. You have signed up for this because of love and been given this role because of a naturel humility towards the cosmic law of One... because of your devotion you will not stagger even if others aim at humiliate or ridicule you. Because you realise it is not about you. You are solely an instrument in service of the higher plan.

 It hasn´t always been easy to live in amnesia and disguise, but now your time has come to finally go centerstage and show your true identity and purpose, though you may have doubts of your divine qualifications and credentials, trust your inner heart knowing, trust when tears of remembrance are touching you from within your ancient soul. You are here to make a difference. It is now time to reveal who you are and stand tall. 

You are immesurable loved and honered as a keeper of the flame. 

~ Grace Solaris and the Arcturians