Dear Beautiful Souls!
Star particles, photons and gamma blowing through. These affect past lifetime karmic healing. These past lives surface in unusual ways for healing to occur as these play out in this lifetime in set patterns that keep playing out over and over until we "see." What you fear most in this lifetime relates to a past lifetime. A birthmark relates to a past lifetime. These are some triggers to help you remember...
I had Michelle Whaling ask me to be a Key Note Speaker at a conference In5D is holding in May and I had to turn it down as honored as I would be and am to be asked. My past life of being burned at the steak as a witch continues to cause me public speaking issues to this day. One I'm continually working on to heal and clear. Yes, it takes time.
The star particles are bringing on rashes and itchy skin. These can happen anywhere on the body. With the crown chakra opening wide through this to see more, and all connected to the divine cosmos and consciousness it may cause a rash on the scalp. The pineal throbs a bit too with this. And through this psychic abilities peek, intuition peeks, your ability to see things clearly comes. Don't doubt what you see, feel, hear. These are your guides and angels coming through to assist you.
Many women experience rashes on the stomach (solar plexus), or sacral chakra area as free will is realized and old, sexual wounds and trauma heal. Men may feel it as a pull or tug and even rashes too. Photons are blowing in and out causing bursts of energy and then a much needed nap, or early bed time. With all three blowing through, it can feel like gravity goes. It's important if you feel this to either ground your energy with Earth, or visualize a strong grounding and connection to Earth's healing electromagnetic field to bring grounding and balance back to your here and now.
Whatever past lives surface; either through meditation, dream state, or if you are triggered by a soul (akashic) remembering, or if a reader of the akashic gives you this information, it is important to heal and release any pain/trauma of this past life, and keep and carry the good you learned from it. You will notice this occuring when you are finding yourself in a repeating pattern, especially with relationships.
The energy coming through carries great power to Heal, Release, and gain great wisdom from past life healings. If you are unsure how to handle this, or heal a past life, seek out a past life regressionist to assist you through.
You may also feel a bit scattered with energy coming from many different sources. This brings on the feeling of wanting to either have alone time ,or spend it with someone who fully understands you, accepts you and unconditionally loves you.
Whatever you are feeling this evening, the energy coming off the Full Moon in Cancer Grand Cross is powerful healing energy to assist you further in clearing, and releasing so that you may more so fully step into your authentic soul purpose for being here this time around. The energy has a peaceful vibe to it, so this allows for easy meditation and relaxation to get one to a good state to take advantage of this powerful energy flow.
Share what you're experiencing below.

Much love,

Tiffany ~