Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper Sabbatical through at least January 2018: Limited Articles, NewSletters, Interviews & Posts as I go offline a bit more....

guys may/may not see me much over the next few months, as I'm taking
the next 30 days again to focus on continually fully re-anchoring down
into my body (this has been a process all year after moving into Avatar
Consciousness/OverSoul/Monad Embodiment). How our Consciousness exists
in correlation to our physical body differs with each LightBody phase we
complete here. My body "carried me through" and I had to let it do what
it needed to do to achieve Galactic/God/Christed Consciousness and
merge/integrate all of my own aspects and hold all here (Embodiment)
over years.... allowing my DNA/Genetics/Body Template to upgrade and do
what it needed to do, without interference from my human me. Our bodies
go through a lot, and every muscle has to relax/release, every bit of
density in teeth/bones "extracted"/de-densified, every organ/system
completely overhauled/re-vamped to align my body with highest
dimensional existence which means all linear constructs broken down and
replaced with non-linear geometric encodments. The process is immense
and then after we "arrive" on NEW Earth, lay the foundation for our
new/highest realities and master each aspect of ourselves, each's
"job"/role and functions and accomplish a ridiculous amount of things,
we "arrive" in Heaven and Avatar Consciousness/OverSoul Embodiment,
which starts a whole new process again. I've spent the last 2 years in
this phase, completing cycles and processes, initiations/gateways and
more. Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper duties take more of our energy now to
maintain/sustain, while trying to manage 12+ different physical
realities, on top of all of the holographic/energetic/etheric ones. This
year has been pulling back from the inundation, honoring my body again
more, because this is the phase I am in, where my body now has to come
FIRST and IF I get work done, great. If not, oh well. I've had to let it
all go to accomplish this part to be able to move into these next
phases too.
I was shown before to take a Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper Sabbatical from August - February of next year, only DOing that which I feel/see and let everyone play their realities out.... as we are closing tons of timelines out over the next few months, so that entire collectives can upshift/come on-board to assist/participate/contribute to the GRAND DESIGN that we've been integrating into our physical body templates in increments all year. There is much that needs to occur before we can move into these next phases (all ego has to go), and these next few months are pivotal for restructuring to align all for this.
So, I will share where called/inspired, take time for me to BE and do my BODY work that I need each day.....I'll still do newsletters, probably twice a month, more where I can, yet probably not much of anything in November due to my work-schedule, leading retreats, traveling and other awesome and important things.
For those who expressed "missing me/my work" over this last month, thank you. It's greatly appreciated that you appreciate that which I share for all. It's important and gratitude for all utilizing years of my work: Light Encoded Supportive/Activating sharings, videos, activations, books, writings, courses and more to assist with your own activation/expansion/embodiment experience here. Thank you for the resonance and for doing this for you (ultimately for us all!). I'm okay when I disappear for long periods. I'm usually working, stabilizing, balancing tons and just don't have any "excess energy" to give to anyone in high integration times. When our templates are re-coding in unison with Gaia's and the Cosmos/Galactically, we kinda can't bring other peeps stuff into our field (emails/posts/etc).... so we have to shut it all down. The biggest timeline shifts take longer and more of our energy to stabilize/hold and we have to eliminate the "back and forth", inundation of emails & messages, especially since my work serves as support millions at a time. As these new timelines anchor in, we have to adapt/flow however is appropriate cosmically/universally... not what human aspects want/ask for/expect. There's just "me" and I accomplish tons... vibrationally... not linearly.... which means Quantum Flow/Energetically....
So, I love you all.... Keep honoring your physical reality as it presents, your energetic reality, your holographic realities, your perceived realities, your projected realities and pay attention to the ones you are CREATING with your head/energy/emotions... VIBRATIONALLY.... as these are the ones you are experiencing, not the ones you "think"..... ♥
p.s. Tons of projects, we never stop, we just have to shift how we accomplish/produce/do. I'm constantly minimizing the work-load to allow for the other things I am shown/see to do. Book publishing for 3 books/retreats/other physical reality things.... all occur in flow too. I'll post announcements for new upcoming interviews for those who love to listen to these to activate/receive too, as there are just a few more before we close out 2017.
Every moment is a big deal now and once I get through the intensity of my schedule for November and we move into the huge Gateway of all of December, I'll be fully dedicated to much silence/anchoring/integrating new codes as we go through that mega-gateway that will be our biggest one yet. Powerful and immense will be an understatement for us all. I write to share with all of you, so you have access to (just a tiny fraction) of the information that I have access to too. Putting into words the vastness and how all correlates for each dimension/alternate reality takes a lot on our part to accomplish and share.
Keep coming together, unifying, observing and re-evaluating everything on a regular basis to constantly re-align easier for your highest timelines to come forth easier for you. WE have lots to do together, as each is ready to anchor much higher timelines together here. ♥Not until, as we can't co-exist in the same frequency if everyone's not in the same place (on the same vibrational wave length) and really ready to contribute/accomplish together. No more lop-sided. That was an old program too! lol
Thank YOU for your continued dedication, presence, service and honoring you too! It's important, for us all, even when it doesn't feel like you are doing much. Just being fully conscious and functioning from your intentional space is a huge contribution for us all. Everything else just brings forth more awesomeness, and we do love awesomeness! ♥ Keep shining your light! ♥
I was shown before to take a Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper Sabbatical from August - February of next year, only DOing that which I feel/see and let everyone play their realities out.... as we are closing tons of timelines out over the next few months, so that entire collectives can upshift/come on-board to assist/participate/contribute to the GRAND DESIGN that we've been integrating into our physical body templates in increments all year. There is much that needs to occur before we can move into these next phases (all ego has to go), and these next few months are pivotal for restructuring to align all for this.
So, I will share where called/inspired, take time for me to BE and do my BODY work that I need each day.....I'll still do newsletters, probably twice a month, more where I can, yet probably not much of anything in November due to my work-schedule, leading retreats, traveling and other awesome and important things.
For those who expressed "missing me/my work" over this last month, thank you. It's greatly appreciated that you appreciate that which I share for all. It's important and gratitude for all utilizing years of my work: Light Encoded Supportive/Activating sharings, videos, activations, books, writings, courses and more to assist with your own activation/expansion/embodiment experience here. Thank you for the resonance and for doing this for you (ultimately for us all!). I'm okay when I disappear for long periods. I'm usually working, stabilizing, balancing tons and just don't have any "excess energy" to give to anyone in high integration times. When our templates are re-coding in unison with Gaia's and the Cosmos/Galactically, we kinda can't bring other peeps stuff into our field (emails/posts/etc).... so we have to shut it all down. The biggest timeline shifts take longer and more of our energy to stabilize/hold and we have to eliminate the "back and forth", inundation of emails & messages, especially since my work serves as support millions at a time. As these new timelines anchor in, we have to adapt/flow however is appropriate cosmically/universally... not what human aspects want/ask for/expect. There's just "me" and I accomplish tons... vibrationally... not linearly.... which means Quantum Flow/Energetically....
So, I love you all.... Keep honoring your physical reality as it presents, your energetic reality, your holographic realities, your perceived realities, your projected realities and pay attention to the ones you are CREATING with your head/energy/emotions... VIBRATIONALLY.... as these are the ones you are experiencing, not the ones you "think"..... ♥
p.s. Tons of projects, we never stop, we just have to shift how we accomplish/produce/do. I'm constantly minimizing the work-load to allow for the other things I am shown/see to do. Book publishing for 3 books/retreats/other physical reality things.... all occur in flow too. I'll post announcements for new upcoming interviews for those who love to listen to these to activate/receive too, as there are just a few more before we close out 2017.
Every moment is a big deal now and once I get through the intensity of my schedule for November and we move into the huge Gateway of all of December, I'll be fully dedicated to much silence/anchoring/integrating new codes as we go through that mega-gateway that will be our biggest one yet. Powerful and immense will be an understatement for us all. I write to share with all of you, so you have access to (just a tiny fraction) of the information that I have access to too. Putting into words the vastness and how all correlates for each dimension/alternate reality takes a lot on our part to accomplish and share.
Keep coming together, unifying, observing and re-evaluating everything on a regular basis to constantly re-align easier for your highest timelines to come forth easier for you. WE have lots to do together, as each is ready to anchor much higher timelines together here. ♥Not until, as we can't co-exist in the same frequency if everyone's not in the same place (on the same vibrational wave length) and really ready to contribute/accomplish together. No more lop-sided. That was an old program too! lol
Thank YOU for your continued dedication, presence, service and honoring you too! It's important, for us all, even when it doesn't feel like you are doing much. Just being fully conscious and functioning from your intentional space is a huge contribution for us all. Everything else just brings forth more awesomeness, and we do love awesomeness! ♥ Keep shining your light! ♥