vrijdag 2 juni 2023

When the throat chakra and the third eye chakra merge ~ Morgan Lee

When the throat chakra and the third eye chakra merge as One within the infrastructure, within our very own light matrix, or light grid, within our very own sacred geometry, there is an expansion that occurs and many really exciting things happen to the human self.

We become aligned, we activate the cosmic chakra, which looks like a metallic, shimmering chakra, of the blue throat and violet third eye, as one. We feel elongated, perhaps feeling taller, expanded and our voice becomes aligned with that universal wisdom, knowledge and the one mind and our pineal lights up, with new circuitry activated. As if a new radio station has been switched on.

I felt an actual structure, building, a light structure of new geometry forming inside my forehead and the blue and violet colours were extraordinary as they were merging and activating a Cosmic chakra alignment.
Our word, becomes more powerful as it becomes more conscious and so we will find ourselves calming down with any excessive chatter, able to listen more and feel the frequency and codes of Truth and speaking, consciously, creating consciously, with our word.

It is more often than not, that we consciously allow, receive and align, in the stillness, the quietness, the listening, the empty space in between. Because we are not in the old mind, of wanting to share our stories, our proof, our cleverness etc. we open up to aligning with these new codes, that we ourselves are downloading and anchoring, creating, new codes of communication, and creation.

When I received these codes a couple off days ago, I was told very strongly that in order to support this alignment and activation, that it would be very important, to STOP the intake of sugar to enhance and support these new codes anchoring in and embodying, into the human, as a new way of being.

This activation will be offered on Sunday 4th June, as well as assistance for clearing all refined sugar imbalances , and releasing ourselves from the morphic field of a very dense , energy field , to support the new codes of conscious multi layered communication and new creation.