zaterdag 3 juni 2023

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence

Just sharing to draw your awareness to ENERGETICS TODAY. What I refer to is NOT Solar. It is beyond solid world particles.
If you are Energy Sensitive you will feel it TODAY. It’s experienced as a very strong and beautiful MAGNETIC, drawing you into it. To be immersed with. It FEELS like an ENERGETIC ENTRANCE (of sorts) that we are going INTO, that is magnetically (energetically) and beautifully consuming us into it. Moving your state of waking Consciousness into it TODAY.
If you honour this GIFT being presented today, by your (chosen) presence to it, you’re effectively saying ‘YES’ to it. So you’ll be freely wanting to focus your awareness to it’s PULL. It is beyond sound and imagery. Where you’ll be going about your day with it’s effect on you, that is almost like a dreamlike state. So not focused on the objective world outside of you. But not really in the world. Except your body is. Walking in a dreamlike state. But you can go deeper than the walking dreamlike feeling, if you work within you, with energy.
When we FEEL energies of this nature, (or indeed any Solar energy which this isn’t) the way to expand your consciousness is to BE with the energies. Immerse into them. This effectively is like saying ‘YES’ to them, so you receive more. Merging WITH energy inwardly, teaches you by your choice to give INWARD consciousness to energy. So you expand your own ENERGY more. You also raise your own energetic frequency MORE, via your choice to merge with energies. Which in turn has the effect of expanding you into more of your over-residing Consciousness. That seeks to expand more and more as your WAKEFUL conscious state.
We will understand individually, for ourselves, today’s energetic ENTRANCE point, if we give it our own energy (choice of placing our conscious state to it as consciousness without human thought). We will consciously know more of this beautiful LIGHT NODE POINT in 3 days once it has integrated into our cells. As I’ve said many times but repeat for any newcomers here, it takes 3 days for LIGHT (that is unmanifested intelligent data) to integrate into our brain that then becomes our manifested INNER KNOWLEDGE. It is this inner knowledge we can then integrate and act from.
All I can say for now is that this LIGHT NODE point that has activated TODAY, is VERY beautiful, creates a dreamlike wakeful state when immersed in it throughout your day. It’s like floating in a magnetic ocean of immense vibrational tranquility. That wants to bathe you in it’s gentle flowing, yet VASTLY MAGNETIC pull, that are VIBRATIONS. That feels as vast as the ocean is.
Wishing you this beauty as you journey.
With Love always,
03 June 2023