donderdag 8 juni 2023



Which is Love, and that's not very comfortable for the human ego as it's being fully dissolved in the field, within The ONE CONSCIOUSNESS, The One Mind. Yesterday's 66 Gateway was certainly not what I'd hoped for, but exactly what I/ we needed, and as it always is. The intensity level was at 200% for me. A MASSIVE amount of pure Source Diamond White, Golden and Platinum light is flushing out any remaining density, miasma, toxins, interference patterns, reversals, and negative and artificial entities, beings, systems, architecture and matter. All based on toxic and inverted thought forms and beliefs that the old matrix realities were based upon. Based on inverted light/ love.

The powerful quantum shifts unfolding and completing are also being confirmed with another 7 hr Schuhmann Resonance blackout between the 5th and 6th of June, and several white bursts today, with plenty of light codes streaming in. This can make us feel sleepy or very awake and stimulated. We also had a larger 4.7 M-Class Solar Flare earlier on, with many larger C-Class flares continuing to pop off the sun, assisting our purification and multidimensional DNA and Krystar SAphiRA Diamond Rainbow Plasma Aurora Lightbody, and Merkaba vehicle, activations. 

 Especially on the 66 I perceived a massive amount of negative energetic attacks in the field also, a last push back from the opposition, as Divine Union's complete all of this and interference has always been huge to try and prevent this and our blessings coming in, but ultimately it's all a reflection of our own fears, doubts, worries, insecurities, negative thoughts, beliefs and deepest held expectations etc., aka our ego attachments. Non of them are really real. Everything is imagined. You may felt it or are about to; JUST BEING DONE WITH it ALL, and over EVERYTHING. 

 Basically the final MASSIVE EGO PURGE. A LETTING GO of all that has been and all that is false. A total letting go of any remaining attachments. Big initiation/s are testing us to see if we've truly learned everything we came here for so we can move on for good, and into our ALL NEW BEGINNINGS & FREE WORLDS! The good news is: Spirit/ God Source/ Divine Love, has already won! This is also part of the completion of our multidimensional merging and polarity integration process, which is what Ascension is all about. We're clearing out m, and are dissolving all incoherence/ where our beliefs don't match up, where our heart and mind are in disagreement. 

To integrate them all within a higher Truth, so trance-ending black and white/ right and wrong thinking, and bringing all Consciousness into alignment where there's no more conflict between the many parts and aspects of/ within The One Mind. Peace within leads to peace without. It's our attachment to form, to the material world, which creates the suffering. It's us identifying with objects, people and places, what we do and who we are. What's right and wrong, good and bad. We compartmentalize and get stuck in distorted polarity consciousness and then come up with crazy stories that play out. All imagined. 

 So far all very much a set of algorithms, of beliefs and thought forms, held together by our imagined identity, deeply connected to, and influenced, by our inner child traumas and wounds. The solution: Total non attachment to this world and reality. Understanding and remembering fully and never forget again, that we're always dreaming all of this. Remembering that we are the dreamer. That all of this are quantum standing wave functions that we can collapse from within the Zero Point Field of Divine Love, Neutrality and ONEness, AtONE with The Godhead, where we see with crystal clarity through the eyes and heart of God again. 

That's us in alignment and accessing the Kingdom of Heaven which dwells within, to then project this out into the new hologram. We get to see the big picture which heals our perceived sense of separation, which is also imaginary. All made up by a mind lost in fragmentation. Divine Love is really the only true reality there is, which is based in ONEness, which is us returning to Sanctity and coherence to, and within, the One Heart-Mind of the Collective, the Cosmic Monad. Pure FORMLESS AWARENESS, free of judgements, resistance, attachments, desires and identification and objectification with the physical world is what SETS US FREE from the imagined prisons of our own mind and the stories we make up. Pure emptiness. To allow God to RE-DREAM REALITY through us in this timeless NOW.

The 66 portal was a massive completion for Divine Unions. Now we're fully Sovereign and in Divine Union with the Self, as well as all of creation. In full coherence, balance, harmony and Love with the True Self. Perfectly imperfect. This is just anchoring into the field and unfolding as part of the rapture and our final ascend. Allow the remaining negative ego distortions to be washed off you with much grace now, as you no longer belief or feed them your energy. 

Just OBSERVE it ALL, as well as feeling it all to purge it from your systems. Allow it all to unfold for and through you without trying to control or force anything, just total FLOW STATE. Allow the past to be washed off you fully now, as we fully RELAX and LET GO/D take over the steering wheel, command and controls. Detach from the unreal, instead see it for the holographic projection everything is, in order to collapse the false Matrix reality and illusions fully now. 

 Re-member that this reality is mental! The universe isn't locally real, the whole Cosmos is a holographic projection of The One Mind and is completing its full and final RESET, along with the Collective Consciousness. After all, there's only ONE of us here. As you're fully letting go of your false ego self, and SELF-REALISE THE ONE Eternal Authentic SELF on behalf of all, you stop identifying with your thoughts and feelings. 

That's you transcending and dissolving the fear Matrix from within you, as you remember what is truly REAL here and what is illusion.