vrijdag 2 juni 2023

It is becoming kinda obvious really to all of us ~ Nicky Hamid

It is becoming kinda obvious really to all of us.

Any planning, attempt at solution, resolution, of dissolution of any problem from point of stuckness will not work.
Plans, rules, laws are not working and cannot any longer.

The energy they exist in is dense and imbalanced, one sided and exclusive.
The Shift is just that, a shift into smooth flowing, flexible, mutable, harmony seeking energy.
So if you want something to work, even using the same older plan, change the energy.
And to do that you have to change how you feel and where you look.

And in fact a plan that appears the same will now be totally different. It will be energetically different, just like a hand shake is a hand shake, but from one of loving intent and one of formality, they are worlds apart.

Planning in the new energy is really no planning at all. It requires simple drawings, openness to multiple occurrences, the expectation of totally benevolent outcomes, and allowance for Divine and synchronous timing beyond any mind contrivance.
A joyous leap into the harmonious, rhythmic unknown.

Shine On

I So Love You