woensdag 7 juni 2023

Expansion connection ~ Morgan Lee

Expansion connection, cosmic or multi-dimensional, new human frequencies, into being.
After another week or so of it feeling like a whirlpool, as though someone pulled the plug out and everything has just been pulled into the mix, the water going down the drain and coming out into a new flow, a river, an ocean, cleansed.
Expanded vision, senses, cosmic or multi dimensional access, to a higher frequency of communication, code sharing, embodied into many around the planet.
A massive expansion in our personal toroidal field , an expanded alignment of the new earth grid as part of our own personal light grid.
I have had incredible experiences with external creations, showing their pure code to me. Pictures I drew over five years ago, aligning with current scenarios, for example running a circle a couple of weeks ago and being guided to set up a certain frequency and looking up, only to find that code right in front of me, where one of the ladies in the circle had a photo of a human with specific geometry around the human. Seeing that what we had just done in the circle, was right there in the art work.
The pictures I drew over 5 years ago, copies of the energy of Oneness operating within the circle, the source connection between each human, as well as to source, also representing, the vertical and horizontal true source of creation.
Pictures of becoming one with the light and moving into the column of light.
A very popular piece of powerful art, showing the many hands holding the netting , and then having the actual experience of this code, in full consciousness within the circles.
The physical aligned with the coding of the dream.
And then the last season of Manifest, another incredible example of creation, full of code, and divinely, mirroring, to the perfection, what is happening both personally and collectively at this time.
We are truly in a place of conscious awareness, where our first language is energy and particularly the frequency of that that energy, we are literally, embodying and anchoring onto the grid, via our own beacons of light within the grid, the codes, creating new earth.
I am told that this is happening at a personal embodiment level atm, that in the next 11 days, deep transmutation, neutralization will be occurring in preparation for this to be anchored throughout the new grid, as the new norm for the planet, becoming the new code of creation.
During this period, all programs, archetypes, limitations, habits, associations with survival, will be collapsed, whatever comes under the umbrella of survival, eg. Competition, comparison, inferiority, superiority, war, resistant type energies, we are coded and collective coded to do whatever it takes and it will be done.
Realigning with our original blueprints , which also contain the essence of oneness, the collective blueprint as a part of our own .
I have been guided twice now to set up a gathering on the 18th June, New Moon, to align with the embodying part of the collective alignment occurring on the master 33/6 day, 20th June, to be fully anchored, up and running by the solstice 22nd June.
This is also the anchoring of the Golden Child Frequency within and without. The drop and the Ocean, containing this new connection to source, as source.
In sessions this week , I have been shown visions , suggesting that we are currently collapsing time , which allows for further alignment with source energy.
I’m not sure what we will be doing at the moment , but I guess we will go to the doorway and align with that co creation together.
Of course this is going to happen, it is written in the stars (for us, by us) but there is something, pretty spectacular, in consciously partaking in this field of oneness and feeling, experiencing, observing the love and power of other mirrors having the same experience.
Seeing pure code creations with such clarity and remembering them as pure code , with palpable instructions , guidance .