donderdag 8 juni 2023

Breaking down of personal and collective survival and all associated programs ~ Morgan Lee

Breaking down of personal and collective survival and all associated programs, emotions, thoughts , energies , blockages, beliefs , patterns, behaviors, etc. covering all dimensions in the self so that an ignition of this new coding will activate collectively, the new codes, as the true grid, the collective coding in humanity , in preparation for soulstice.
Neutralizing moving through the memories, stories , experiences , right through , to the beginning point of creation , the moment , the frequency of survival was co created .
Neutralizing the triangulation programming , of perpetrator, victim , martyr, game.
When we embody and anchor the essence of “BEING” and the coding of “I see you “
This occurs in the self embodied as the code. Our fields send out a new signal , and source creation occurs .
What programs did we carry under the unbrella of survival .
Comparison, competition, protection, superiority / inferiority, control, power games, security/insecurity just to name a few .
We are realigning with our original blueprints , our original sacred geometry , fitting in as perfect pieces of the collective grid of mother. A perfect white cell , a new spark of creation
Divine sparks , beacons of light , lighting up the grid with our light, shadow eating, all that is not of our unity and essence of oneness .
Each one of us a divine key
To the whole
I keep hearing , keep going , keep going , we are doing this, together, as one .
The designers , the dreamers , the story tellers , the cosmic genetisists
, the numerologists , the artists , the transformers, the shadow eaters , the astrologists , the programmers, the musicians , the creators and yes, even the weather forecaster, the conscious builders . It is happening