A massive DIVINE LOVE TSUNAMI from Source is what hit the planet!
WE HAVE OPENED UP THE NEW EARTH PORTAL, fully quantum merging, aligning and synchronizing us with 13D Ascension Earth & the New DIVINE CREATRIX FIELD, being fully IGNITEd NOW!
I'm also seeing the changes in both Schuhmann Resonance models as Earth's New Heartbeat coming fully online, and the dimensional layers and realms completing their merging! All interconnected with the magnetic core, field and pole shift and flip also completing fully in this now! This is also affecting our Heart-beat, Minds, emotional, mental and physical bodies and health. Extra loving self care is recommended!
The Earth's magnetic field and poles are directly interlinked with ours, and reflect ONE another.
Welcome to Heaven on Earth! Here NOW! Tune in!
And re-member, IT'S ALL A SHOW, so inJoy the movie, as you would do sitting in a cinema!
Probably time to get up and walk out, change the movie! Change the projection/s!
As the dream scene and movie changes, all from the inside out!
Eternal Love,
Video link: