woensdag 15 februari 2023

The energies are revving up ~ Judith Kusel

The energies are revving up and we are going through an intense recalibration now.
Do not be surprised when old unresolved issues suddenly pop up again, to be finally worked through and released. This applies to the individual and the collective.

It is so important to keep your energy fields crystal clear, and not to be pulled into world and other people's dramas, nor propaganda. Rise above it.

There is a lot of fear-mongering going on, in an attempt to keep humanity from ascending. Do not buy into it.
Be discerning.
Keep the heart open at all times.

There is so much goodness, so much love, so much to be grateful for, so much to explore and expand into now. A totally new life and new beginnings.

Embrace life and life more abundantly.
The Age of Aquarius.