maandag 13 februari 2023

"... The Eyes: The eyes are going through it ~ Natoya Hall ~ FEBRUARY VIBRATIONS FORECAST

"... The Eyes: The eyes are going through it, and many are having blurry visions, feeling like the eyes are trying to “focus”.

This may be happening to both eyes or one eye in particular. The eyes govern our physical vision but also our spiritual vision as well.

As Wayshowers we are natural visionaries. As we enter new Timelines of creation that vision must change, and be upgraded to new capacities and capabilities, yes? The person you used to be that created your old life, well that person has changed, shifted, and transformed, and so too will your reality.

You are now creating from MANY new energy grids, and you are now using new neuropathways and your higher chakras to do this. The blurry, "unstable" eyes are showing you that your Spiritual, Physical and Mental “visions” are being transformed so let your physical eyes “adjust” to its new Paradigm!

THIS IS HUGE. Some things you can do to support your eyes at this time is to not strain them or force them to "focus". Some may realize that their vision is worst after they come away from highly charged electromagnetic fields/screens. I’ve started to wear my glasses more, something I dislike but this supports my eyes.

Limit your time on screens, phones, computers, etc. You may notice that your vision is worst after you come away from highly charged electromagnetic fields. Ask AA Michael, Raphael, Arcturians and Siriuns, Nuburians to please clear any radiation that is not for your highest good. Also, ask to put a buffer of protection over your screens...."