vrijdag 17 februari 2023

Energy / Ascension Update: David Alexander Lightfoot

Energy / Ascension Update: Intense energies of both low dense feelings being cleared on a personal and collective level. Keep faith.

The energies are very intense, we are diving down deep within for a massive last clearing.
I hear many are struggling having doubts about life, about living situation, about job, income, relations to people, some have health issues right now. I am no different and feel all this too.

The feelings we feel are overwhelming with anxiety, anger, grief and many do not want to be here anymore, however at the same time we are being freed and is our cosmic heart expanding.

Help support each other, love each other, be there for each other, let's hold hands, as we are doing major clearing for the collective.

Ascension can no longer be stopped so hold on and keep faith.
Do not watch the negative news or fake news as there is so much distraction trying to pull us off our ascension path.

You are not alone, We are Not Alone.
Much love
David Alexander Lightfoot