donderdag 11 augustus 2022

Do you keep seeing 11:11 and other repeated digital number codes...Grace Solaris

Do you keep seeing 11:11 and other repeated digital number codes... these are wake up codes, that are triggering dormants part of you to wake up and embark on your soul purpose to fulfill your divine plan on this earth.

These codes are typically being emitted to you from your higher self and guides when you are going thru difficult times and is meant as a pointer, to move out of your comfort zone and into your higher purpose.

This typically goes along with challenging times, where your life is cracking open and falling apart, where the old ways simply do not apply and thus no longer work. Where the self inflicted limitations can no longer be sustained to keep you small and disempowered, because the greater part of you, your higher self, is "forcing" you to move on to an upgraded and brand new way of being, that empowers you and take you out of victimhood and martyrdom or self destructive behaviours and self sabotage into conscious creatorship.

Chaos and radical change and deep transformation collectively as well as personally is a way of the soul to propel you forwards.. but do you go with it.. do you make the needed changes, the needed transformation, that allows you to set on a new path. Many are currently going through what is termed the dark night of the soul.

You might be feeling your life is being ripped to pieces and dismantled right in front of your eyes. And right so. There is purpose in the chaos, and it is an indicator where changes are needed. Has your relationship become superficial and hollow, because you do not feel vibrationally aligned with your partner any longer, has your job lost meaning or has your life lost purpose?

You may feel forced out of your comfort zone, as there is nothing known left to hold onto. Things are falling apart to give way for a a new way a much bigger version of yourself, that is aligned with your true purpose and highest potential. Being forced out of your comfort zone can cause anxiety, frustration or depression, because you do not yet have any tools to navigate this new space nor do you have direction.

This might cause you to go into stasis (fear) or apathy. However now is exactly the time, where we need to shine the brightest and rise to our greatest potential. Your light is needed. Your service to god is needed. You came here for a reason. You are needed. You are enough.

Giving in, submitting and going into stasis is letting fear win over love. It is giving your power away to fear, which leaves you disempowered.

You might see your life being turned upside down and find yourself challenged, because everything seems to fall apart and you do not know anymore, who you are and where you are going. You may find yourself in a vacuum or void.
Time to free yourself and step out of your story and leave the matrix mind programming for good.


In the midst of this chaos, which in fact is a great reset, a one-to-one spiritual mentorship can be a vital help and support to gain clarity, direction and to clearing all the limiting patterns, that keeps you from moving forward into a new timeline and writing a new story where you embrace your fullest divine potential and step into your power and align with your path and highest potential and purpose and hence live your life purpose. To close all past timelines, reset and move onto higher trajectories of light, that are aligned with your future ascended self. It will also provide you with spiritual tools that you can apply in your daily spiritual practice.

For this purpose I offer one-to-one spiritual support and mentorship, which will give you access to continual assistence on your path for any length of time. The purpose of this is not to do the things for you, but to empower you to do it yourself, to master your lessons on your own with the aim of stepping into your power and embrace the higher aspect of your soul, your I Am presence. To realize and let go of all limitations and finally become an embodiment of love and creator of the reality you yearn to live in.

I will walk by you and guide you out of the dark night of the soul as a cosmic midwife preparing you for the rebirth and resurrection back into the light and hold space for your true genuine self to kick-start on the lifepath, that you were intended to embark on.

Please contact me to know more and we will find a solution, that caters for your exact needs. You can choose between 4 or 6 weeks mentorship. As an example I offer 4 weeks mentorship with continual support, which includes one initial Zoom session of 120 min, one weekly session of 90 minutes and email support every 3 days or when needed. Privat messsage me for more details. I can take in a maximum of 5 mentorees for spiritual mentorship at a time as I need time for regular sessions, readings and activations as well.

The bookings will be made in the order they come in, so react fast, if this calls you.

You can also choose to book a one-on-one Zoom session, if you do not feel like investing in a mentorship program or as a way to get to know my work, before you decide to go into a mentorship.

Zoom one-on-one rebirth "Freedom to BE me" sessions are interactive sessions, where I use my intuition as well as connecting with the guides to help you find the answers within and get clarity with your purpose, they are catalyzing great shifts, that can propel you forward, so that you may fulfill your soul purpose and understand your part in the greater plan. We will spot and identify negative beliefs, thought patterns, outdated energies, old contracts, agreements and vows, that are still blocking your way and limitate you in any way, which we will then clear and transform, anything that compromises or sabotages you in moving forward and embracing your highest potential and authentic self.

This includes inner child wounds, wounds on the divine feminine or masculine that are conditioning you in compromising yourself and attracting negative outcomes or causing repetitive unhealthy behaviours of self sabotage. Whatever needs attention will surface.
It is a combination of a reading, energetical multi dimensional transformational work/healing of all layers and aspects of your being, including inner child and forgiveness work, illuminating and clearing of limiting beliefs, behavioral patterns and
contracts/vows/oaths/agreements and much more to make a clear canvas and allow for your I Am Presence to take full dominion of your sacred temple, so that you may be a pure instrument of divine will and step into service. One-on-one rebirth sessions are 120 min. They can also be conducted on Messenger or Skype, if you prefer that.
Please send me a pm with your timezone, if you want to book or have any questions.
Grace Solaris