dinsdag 30 augustus 2022

Energy / Ascension update: David Alexander Lightfoot

Energy / Ascension update:

We have been receiving major updates, light codes and activations via the many solar flares supporting us with much divine love to help open up our hearts removing any remaining fears, hurt, blocks, cords, vows, curses, AI and karma still keeping us stuck in the past.
Much anxiety over the past few days but we have moved out of the old programming and controlling matrixes that kept humanity hostage for thousands of years.
We created a stronger higher dimensional love connection in unity with the divine and balance within ourselves in divine masculine / feminine energies.
Freedom is here and the love energies feel expansive.
Our dreams of the new world we are creating and new loving relationship connections forming are becoming more visible every day.
The split between people ascending and those staying behind, still stuck in 3D, is seen and felt stronger but we have to move on.
Do not be distracted by the old world anymore, stay positive and focus on your future and dreams. Become the loving observer holding space for others to follow.
Ascension is a personal choice, we are not helping humanity or ourselves by holding on to the past.
It has always been our mission to create heaven on earth. New Earth is about to ignite! This is why we awakened. Welcome home.
Let go what needs to go and get ready for change as we are being guided and pushed forward with new positive vibes grounding us more into 5D.
May Your Heart Overflow With Love & Guide You Always
Heart Blessings
David Alexander Lightfoot