donderdag 11 augustus 2022


There is extreme tiredness that is being felt.
So, if you are feeling a little off or uncomfortable in your skin lately just consider that you are also assisting in transmuting a whole lot of unleashing collective energy.
As light servers, there certainly is a lot going on with us energetically.
We are constantly receiving, transmitting and transmuting energy. Many of us are helping to awaken souls, and move them through the portals.
We are also giving great assistance to clear the interference and toxicity everywhere.
There are a lot of energies channeling through us, whether it is realised it or not. It is natural to feel moments of exhaustion, stress and even anxiety. We are still very human.
Develop your ability, though, to discern what energy is yours and what energy is simply passing through.
A lot of times, we are transmuting energy, or picking up on another’s thoughts and feelings.
When you hold a high vibration, you become a healer and a transmuter.
Now, more than ever, we are assisting the planetary body to shake off all this density and corrupt programming. If you are feeling tired, or have strange goings on in your body, or feeling just really off, this could be why.
A lot of times, We can feel waves of fatigue. A simple rest or lie down is beneficial to allow it to pass through.
this is when You know that You are in transmuting mode.
This might be something for you to acknowledge.
It just might help you handle the fatigue and any uncomfortable energy flows with greater ease and grace.
This is especially true for the nervous system.
The energy of fear and anxiety is at an all time high, off the scales in a fever pitch and it will only become more amplified.
This energy that is releasing from the masses, seeks to be re-qualified and through pure channels.
These channels can be a human body, forms of nature and the elemental world. The Earth body uses everything at her disposal, including human vessels, as a way to help bring balance and to re-qualify discordant energy back to love.
It’s why we help hold the balance of light for the planet”.
It’s just a natural thing that happens in those of us who can sincerely hold our centre point and from the unified template. This is one way we serve. It’s why we came, to especially be in action right now and at the height of timeline shift.
It's a good reminder for all of us. Indeed, our training is complete. It’s no longer about us shifting into the new blueprint. It’s now about humanity shifting and transmuting through us and our vibrational field.
Higher vibration always consumes and transforms the lower. If you can embody this perspective, the energy seems to flow effortlessly... in and out... without getting stuck and then you feeling awful for days. It is to not identify with the energy as “yours” or to perceive it as a personal attachment. It’s just energy passing through.
Always remember the principle… energy is everywhere and all energy is malleable.
It is constantly morphing and recreating itself into something different.
It’s how we qualify it that determines which direction it moves next.
The human wants to box energy up and hold on to it as if it's something to posses. That only traps the soul into limitation.
Keep shining strong, you are a warrior of light!
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Instagram 'raisingvibrationswithjo