vrijdag 19 november 2021

Everything is rising now ... EVERYTHING! ~ Janine Savient

Everything is rising now ... EVERYTHING!

In one world .. the world of separation and fear - anger, confusion, panic, blame, lethargy, denial ... are rising and being played out.

In the other world .. the world coming into unity and Love - connection, support, community, kindness, are rising, growing and forming.

Within this particular world I am witnessing those of the medical professions who did not comply with the narrative and have found themselves ... outside of the system, begin to come to together with new ideas of an integrative health and well being system that looks at the wholistic approach of living a healthy balanced life and teaching people how to do this.

I’m seeing teachers who have found themselves in the same boat as the medicals ... teaching outdoors, in nature, under trees and by beaches! Or beginning to set up home schooling as an alternative to main stream schools.
Do you see now why change had to come?

I take nothing away from those whose life’s have been tipped upside down over recent months, and who have lived with anxiety and stress, however ... look what is already forming in just a couple of days since their normal .. got shattered!

We will see this more and more as ‘change’ sweeps through every facet of our lives. New ways, new ideas, new action, new systems, ... all equates to the new world now physically forming here!

Everything will break down and reform, somethings will do this again and again under the fit with the new world energies is felt!
And we are the pioneers, the builders, the imagineers... the Creators.

Wow! Have you asked yourself the question yet... ‘Who am I really, if I came here for / on purpose, to be on the leading edge of this change!’

Only the strongest, clearest, most committed were chosen to hold the space for change to happen ... and in the process have their own lives tipped inside out and still hold that space for Love and Truth to rise!

Amazing, incredible Soul Family - the 144,000 strong formula.

Janine Savient

Art by Tamara Adams