donderdag 14 oktober 2021

ON Grounding ~ Nicky Hamid

ON Grounding

Ups and downs are a part of the experience of growing as new HUman.
We get quicker and quicker at recognising challenge instead of "problem".

Loving yourself and who you are and what you are capable of brings Grace and ease in this whole process of “waking up”. And that is why is is so amazing that we have Soul Family to remind us and cheer us on as we leap into the apparent 'obstacles".

And when you are experiencing these changes going on in the body, (eg, shaking, dizziness, heart palpitation, sharp aches and pains, etc,etc....) do not fear. An though “floating off’ can feel good it is often a distraction.

Focus in these times on breath (for it is a Divine Breath), watching, honouring yourself, and being here with joy. Be here now.

Explore some of the techniques of GROUNDING that are around but choose what works for you. Basically they will have to do with your heart connection with Gaia through your body Presence and it is something simple and very easy to do.

I. Bare contact (Especially the feet) with the earth, grass, nature etc.
2. Water, on your face and hands and feet, whole body often. Also any other water contact. And of course drinking plenty of water.
3. Activities that allow you to play, create, and feel yourself grounding something of yourself, whatever it maybe eg regular use of colour , or automatic (journal) writing (not typing).
4.Enjoy and treasure your need for sleep time and consciously offer yourself to your Higher Spirit Team for healing and upgrading in Knowings.

Be with and in nature at least daily and whenever you feel like it even for just a moment.
Any successful grounding will always bring CLARITY, give you more feeling of being at home in your body and you will find that your body will be more able to accept and integrate the flow and energetic changes occurring.

These results will be immediate if you are doing something that is truly grounding for you. But of course, it takes some practice for the mind to get what the body receives immediately, and thus for it to become a part of what you can do without conscious focus.

We are learning to blend Heaven and Earth, Soul and Body, through allowing “Higher Self” that we are, to come “closer into our body temple. A melding together in and through ourselves.

I Believe in you.
I So Love You

PS Your Body Deva is calling you. “Remember Me. Love me.
Remember I am of Earth and if you will allow me, I can show you through your Love of me, how we can align with Gaia’s ascension and our Immortality”.

PPS: And I know you Know all this, so Remember and upgrade your own Loving and Sacred Intentions.