The Divine has heard our calls for more support in change and shift of evolution and ascension and is helping us and the collective to end the negative spirals and break free from the 3D and 4D world, moving on to the 5th plane permanently.
We are co-creating the new world bringing divine love, the Christ Consciousness in and clearing our path and world from all lower vibrations and negativity.
Our hard work is been heard and seen. The birth of the new world is a fact, it is here to stay.
The month of September was hard to deal with for many as much of the collective consciousness was bringing up fear projecting it onto us. Many of us felt this resistance and found it hard to navigate through. It was hard to stay balanced and in higher state of love being distracted much by the outer world that shouts louder and louder to pull us back.
Can you feel the shift today as we are breaking through the resistance. Especially releasing the fear from our own past and the unknown future holding us back connecting with higher guidance as we are now opening up. The collective fears of the future and unknown is less present and has shifted much also.
We are so blessed the Divine has stepped in more so we do not have to fight anymore battles unless we choose to.
We just need to be and this is more than enough.
Yes events and circumstances will continue to happen in the world to wake up the masses, it is still needed. This must not be seen as negative but guidance by the Divine.
Many souls are now in the process of being nudged by the Divine even more to awaken as they refuse to change their ways. Their free will is overwritten.
Those still not listening will be dealt with.
We do not have to do anything, it is not our path to awaken others just to be the vessel of Divine Love & Light, to hold space, to be the observer in unity, peace and harmony.
Now is our time to shine and use our Divine gifts and talents we have been hiding deep within ourselves all along. Our gifts and talents we were afraid using being afraid to be shamed, blamed or ridiculed for. Our soul purpose, our passion, our soul calling. We have to step into to new world being our authentic selves, no lies, no fear, no longer hiding!!
We are so blessed and supported by so many divine friends / light beings who celebrate our efforts to co-create the new world, we are already grounding in the new structures of our new future.
We are doing an amazing job, it is time to let go of your worries, doubts and fears, you are just fine, relax, fill your cup with love and light blessings now being poured over you.
It is time to celebrate you and all we have already achieved.
Much love