vrijdag 3 november 2017


Integrating Breath and Healing to Claim CRYSTALLINE CLARITY!
Namaste beloved community of Self-Ascension!   
 Welcome to November 

As we awaken ever more to our spiritual truth we recognize that this gift requires consistent commitment and courage to set energetic boundaries.   The world of density illusion seems to provide an infinite supply of trigger moments in addition to an abundance of emotional support for fear-based consciousness.   As 2017 comes ever closer to its culmination, there is indeed an energetic undercurrent that is present upon the planet and doing its best to keep mankind preoccupied with lower chakra issues.   
When we are preoccupied with safety, sex and power, we are challenged to awaken our true heart and living beyond the world of illusion can feel challenging!  
The Yoga of Self-Ascension ® recognizes that EVERY person is living their unique journey and each being will eventually awaken to the truth of their origins. While we walk this journey of discovery we have the blessing of  diving deeply into the creative forces of our free-will as the polarities and chaos of the 3-D dance with us.
November offers an opportunity to anchor  
extraordinary crystalline clarity.
October invited us to be the witness of the heightened chaos as well as claim the deeper recognition that freedom is our choice.  
November builds up on this energy by calling us to anchor empowered Presence if we sincerely want to claim greater clarity.  As we grow through and with our spiritual empowerment, this upliftment may challenge our previous beliefs as it simultaneously opens us to fresh beginnings.  
Through the healing crisis/opportunity of October many people are now looking at their lives and their choices differently.
The November 'lift" will bring us to a moment where we must gaze at the possibility of confusion...confusion occurs when we try to hold opposing beliefs or opposing motivations. Throughout this month as you encounter every moment of confusion, or every seed of doubt, this is the time to greet it with a deep Avesa Breath.  
The confusion does not need to anchor! Gift yourself and see it as a sign that you are lifting through outdated beliefs.   
Surrender all need to control an
d choose to consciously  embrace the Container Practice, the Avesa Breath, and recite the Mantra of Self-Ascension often.  
These three practices will carry you through your personal journey with grace, ease and love.
Each one of us is resolving (releasing) emotional Velcro - we do this naturally through our commitment and focus on the Divine. By trusting our deeper nature and celebrating our Guidance, we release the fear-based beliefs that disempower us.  
To anchor our ascended presence requires that we release dependency upon worldly authority and consensus reality.
Ascension energies are heightening...quickly. How are you responding? With Trust or Fear? If you choose to embrace Trust, then your empowered Presence will grow. This amplifies the energy of manifestation and you will attract what you need into your life. Trust builds Presence.
If you succumb to fear and doubt, then celebrate that you notice! For once you notice the discomfort it will collapse the accompanying fear and doubt, and bring you to a choice point.  
You can step out of the Velcro and claim your freedom, or you can  choose to explore density for awhile longer. Either choice is valid!
Remember, no one is making a mistake!  
The power of consciousness is that you can shift "everything" in an instant. Awakening is a step by step process, yet the fruits of your spiritual commitment may be catapulted in an instant!  That 'instant' moment is well beyond the ego of density! With each breath, we must simply trust the truth, that we will 'arrive'!
And that brings us back to November. Trust yourself. Love yourself. Be present to your breath and notice the flow that is participating with your own practice of the Yoga of Self-Ascension.
We love you and have so much more to share about this month!
If you have not yet connected with the November Ascension Energy Forecast video, please watch it by clicking here. 
May your heart know that you are a divine master and may you REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!
With all our heart and a deep bow of Namaste to your divine nature, 
Sri & Kira