woensdag 9 november 2022

Standing in the New World, Love in Embodiment ~ Nicky Hamid

Standing in the New World, Love in Embodiment.
Nicky Hamid

It is now time to really experience the power of Your Love. When you open up to your Divine Love and follow everything from here. You are following the True I AM. You feel it through experiencing it and as you let it flow behind and within you, as you own it more and more, it just brings you more and more experience of it working in your life.
You will see it in how each day becomes an adventure of unexpected, harmoniously timed happenings. You see that it rubs off onto everyone you meet because they are all part of your Divine experience and you will be having the love experiences together.

Every day you can have this new life.
Every day you can have a new experience of Yourself.
Every day you can have something fresh, and things you have not done before.

And when things happen that used to make you get upset because they are not going to plan, from Love they will quite naturally lead to something new and exciting and beautiful and love filled.
And when others come to you, all you will want to do is to share your love. And there is nothing special you need do. Just keep opening up to that Love and your day will unfold as an advent where your sharing will be joyous for all.
It is the imprint of your joy and inner peace that will do the most for others for it calls to their own.

So there is nothing special for you to do. No special purpose apart from you Being You. Others will notice (will feel it) and want to share that experience with you. It starts with you giving yourself that life that you have always wanted to create, and do something new no matter how small. If your heart wants you to do it then you have just got to do it.
Don’t you notice how love filled these posts are and how palpable it is?
WE are sharing this now, can you feel it dear friends?
Own and Be the Love that you are. Express it and let it lead you through everything.
I Love each and every one of you just as you are and I am so thankful here with you in this now.

Boy, this feels……… so Awesome…….. So Go(o)d !
I So Love You