maandag 28 november 2022

Been experiencing a lot of UPgrades to this body ~ Mary Long

Been experiencing a lot of UPgrades to this body.
Ran a fever of 101 yesterday, didn't feel sick just achy and chilled. Got it down around 10pm.
Today still running fever not as high as it was, but I don't feel sick.
Yesterday a ship sounded like it was going to land on my house, I got out of bed went to look outside and it stopped in midair and went behind the trees in the Field.
Galactic Families are staying close to us as we continue to go through these high vibrational upgrades to our bodies.
They Say Light is Cold, so it will give your body a chill when we are receiving them, but I didn't know a fever came with it. LOL. But my guides tell me this is part of the process.
Hanging in there, accepting and open to receive whatever it takes to transform this body into Light.
Have a Lovely Evening Dear Ones, I am going to keep resting while going through this process called Ascension.
This Photo is kind of what it looked like.