woensdag 9 november 2022

Let's Welcome this New Vibration that both the Eclipse have provided us ~ Georgina Beament

Let's Welcome this New Vibration that both the Eclipse have provided us.

Scorpio - Death and Rebirth
Taurus - Rebuild, Love and New Beginnings

We are being presented with New Beginnings, I don't know about you, I am embracing change with all my heart!
This journey isn't about other people, it's all about you and how you are responding to the life around you?
How are you growing and adapting to the everlasting shifts around you?
How are you checking your attitude? How are you acknowledging, healing, re-learning and letting go?

Where have you been giving yourself away? What have you been avoiding facing to change?

I thank the Scorpio Eclipse for amplifying, illuminating, high lighting everything I was meant to feel and see! The things I am responsible for. The things I have been resisting or avoiding!
Bringing endings in anything that was meant to GO!

The sudden shocks and removals from my life. For getting me to look deep, deep within myself to see what I was allowing or a distraction from my life.
Who is real and who is fake. True colours within myself and others.
There's always blessings in disguise in all exchanges helping us see things we have wondered about OR didn't see before.
The good and not so good of the sign Taurus.
This Full Blood Moon in my sign - Taurus...

I feel you in all sorts of ways. In the Eclipse shadow and the Full Moon abundance in letting go creating new!
I am hungry to evolve and loving this energy that is pushing me to do so!
This Eclipse energy is pushing everything to surface and to stand in my own darkness and light to be accountable for my own transformations.
What can this Eclipse Full Blood in Taurus offer us!
Where we feel stable, where we don't.

Taurus birth sign can bring stability, love, understanding, forgiveness, honesty, trustworthy, support consistency and determination to expand out of our comfort zones.
Matters of the home and what is important to us.
Healthier boundaries, focus on foundation, values and inner self love.
To recreate, to break free, to organize, to enjoy and love.
Focused, grounded, get jobs done!

Taurus looks within themselves and love their homes to be in order. Feel, Comfort and love nice things. They are persistent and very good builders, especially when they love and enjoy things.
They have a huge desire to Nurture themselves and the people love love. They have a huge desire to be on their own to re-connect and they love connecting to nature.
They Love routine and creating balance, stability and harmony! Enjoy sharing and care for the environment around them.

They are a birth-sign that normally gives a shit! And if they don't you must have pissed them off big time, as they give you a lot of chances before they back away
Generous and givers. That can be a good and bad thing.
Forward thinkers and never give up! But if they prograsinate they can get depressed and stuck!

Protective, take no shit, if pushed they can be dangerous
Fixed sign: but are flexible if people meet them half way!
You can't pretend with a Taurus, they feel deeply.
They can find it hard to let go, but when they do they don't look back!
People call Taurus stubborn, but I've learnt my stubbornness is me protecting my boundaries, there is a difference!

Being hardworking helps them achieve things faster. They can be jealous if they aren't secure in themselves, it holds them back.
Taureans can be inflexible, becoming too stubborn when things don't go their own way.
Adding their materialistic nature, your version to change makes you possessive leading to problems in your relationships

Venus is their planet so unconditional love is really important to them! They are romantic and when they love they really go all in. No half measures!
This Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus will be bringing us home to all the things we need to Nurture and Rebuild in and with Love!
Taurus tend not to take things for granted and when they want change, this birth-sign will do everything to create change with focus and destination.

When this sign finds themselves, they allow nothing or no-one to stop them.
I hope this has helped you a bit more of what this Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus will be offering you in these times.
It's all about re-building, re-evaluating, re-arranging, re-thinking and doing this with all your heart! The Heart knows the way and anything is getting in your way, let it go!
Taurus is an Earth sign, so this energy will be offering stability and a lovely platform to help you grow into feeling your life and the things you love and enjoy!

For me: I am thanking the the zone of uncertainty, as I know this is where co-creation begins. I am facing everything with gratitude to learn, expand and grow.
Love lives here!
When doors close they close for a good reason. Don't look back, look forward and Grow!
When things come to an end, it's time to start something new! Face that fear and Grow!
Face newness with excitement and take one step at a time and know each step will be the right one for you to evolve into a better version that your higher-self is now wanting you to expand into!

On the other side of your fear, is everything your heart knows it deserves.
Let go and allow this powerful energy help you transform.
I am with you and I understand. Change is scary, BUT it can be exciting too!
It's time to say HELLO to the future and goodbye to your past - to feel the Earth beneath your feet and allow it to move you

Look forward, keep looking forward, the past has served us very well to this point
Don't hold back now. Just keep growing
I love you