donderdag 25 augustus 2022

The Spirit of Lyra ~ Robbie Watson

The Spirit of Lyra
Today we have reached the true Lionsgate Portal. What was an initiation on the 8th, was born to rise today.
This Code came through on the Day out of Time. I have been fully immersed in this Architecture of Soul and Body. As I Look into it I witness myself. The One who rises within Me into All Things.

Beyond the Measure of Knowing the Heart field is felt in All ways through this piece.
This Code is working with the Aspects we are currently embodying through our Monadic Matrix. The Avatar truly rises here. So kuch growth has been done for this Piece to fill alchemize into being for all of us.

The Sacred Heart Temple of Lyra embraces each of us. I recommend zooming in and spending time with each piece as you are called. There is so much here. Many planetary systems are witnessed here that are working with us.
There isn’t many more words needed. All the information is here to experience what this Lionsgate truly means for us. It is my deepest honor to bring this through for us.
I am so excited about what is to come for all of us for this piece is a reflection of it.

I also want to state my Soverign Law here and Now as an Architect of these Creations.
They cannot be manipulated or used to benefit the actions of those without integrity of
their Organic Krystic Principles of Creation. I state this in this space of record and time to ensure the stability of this field that we are all working in.
I honor each of you so deeply. I see each of you in my heart. This is where you have always been.
May we continue to thrive in this wave of great awakening.
With So Much Love

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