donderdag 18 november 2021

On Healing Sanctuaries ~ Nicky Hamid

On Healing Sanctuaries

Where do you go when your body is experiencing utter tiredness, or you feel "ill", or emotionally bereft, or are in mind fog and confused?

You lay yourself down to rest ASAP.
You close your eyes and take a few gentle deep breaths with hands on Heart.

There are many places you can now go.
Here are five.

1) Into the Temple of Healing where you can give your body for TLC to your angelic hosts for Love and Restoration.

2) To Your Starship on a Golden Disc into the Healing Chamber.
3) Into the city of Telos within the Earth, where mentors, and 5th dimensional HUmans have lived since life as we know it began here. Just to walk there immediately brings about rejuvenation.

4) Into one of the many Cities of Light in the etheric and higher dimensions, situated around the world.

5) Into your own healing capsule of the Highest Light you can imagine (the Golden Light in the Arms of God).

Go explore, expand and contact the inner realms of Peace, Beauty and Love and Transformation.

I So Love You.

PS Google and/or Youtube them. They are as real as any place. We just have to be open and ask to be taken there. Be as a child……. Pretend….. and you are there.
And So It Is.
How to go to the healing chambers of Starships?
Strike up an inner dialogue with the Star beings of "Higher Light and Love". Then just before you go to sleep call them to you. And when you feel their Presence ask to be taken and say what you would like. Then say "Thankyou, thankyou, It Is Done.
Always command only that which is of "Higher Light and Lov
It doesn't happen all at once. It takes some consistency for you to gain confidence in your Knowing. It is all about deeper, higher more subtle Feelings.
Journaling your requests and feelings and conversations really is powerful and helps confirm your growing relationship and experiences.
Use your imagination for they can use that to expand your vision and experiences.