woensdag 17 november 2021

NEW FREQUENCIES ARE RISING UP! A TRIPLE ASCENSION CRESCENDO COMPLETES 2021 November 17, 2021 Aluna Joy Yaxk'in with the Star Elders


November 17, 2021
Aluna Joy Yaxk'in with the Star Elders Ⓒ 1995-2021

All living beings on Mother Earth are collectively winding up 2021 with a multi-layered crescendo! We will be going through a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse Portal. We will be entering the center of the first Katun cycle of this new age on solstice. We will also travel through the second 20 Core Day Ascension Portal of this year, which will be loaded with fresh new elevating energy. So hold on to your crystals and your kombucha, your new life is emerging and it is going to get really interesting.

The Star Elders
"The previous ascension portal (on 4/14-5/3) was a mere warm up to set the stage for what is about to manifest. You have grown so much. You have made your choices and are now unshakable in your truth. You no longer feel the need to defend yourself. You are prepared in profound ways that will shift the course of your life. What manifests now is directly related to what you believe and what you prepare for. If you prepare for struggle and survival, you will experience this. If you prepare for an uplifted new life and world, you will experience this. This is your creation, and what you feed is what will grow in your experience."

"There is SO MUCH rarefied, etheric support flowing from higher realms to lift you out of all the defending noise of the crumbling world, and up into the realm of new higher frequencies and experiences. The higher realms have manifested a new foundation in this emerging future world. Many of your higher selves, in tandem with the company of heaven, the Ascended Masters, the Elohim, your guides, and the legions of light, have built this foundation. This new world is your creation....