vrijdag 19 november 2021

Energy Update ~ Nicky Hamid

I have called to the Company of Heaven for you to experience your
Shine in this next moment.

Call to your Support Team, who are always ready and close by you, if you are willing to receive NOW.
Stop for a moment in your chair.

Breathe and relax.

Become aware of the base of your spine pressing down on your chair.
As you gently take a breath notice how there is a growing warmth or heat there in the base of your spine. You do not have to do anything it will be there.

Watch it as it slowly begins to rise up your spine getting warmer as it goes.
Now it rises up all the way to the back of the neck and up out the top of your head.

Notice how warm (even hot) you are now feeling, especially around your shoulders.
You may even get beads of sweat on your forehead.
Feel the waves of heat up your spine and relax into it.

The angels of fire from our beloved Sun are kissing the back of your neck.
That is how close angels are.

Relax and accept.

It is part of your reviving Shining.
Shine On

I So Love You

PS If it gets too much for you have a cool caressing shower.
Whenever you go there your angels are just waiting to be of service and loving you all the way on your journey. They are but a breath away.
Go to the Higher LIGHT of you Precious Souls.
PPS: Your experience will be in the opposite direction to that shown in this gif. Then it will reverse slowly.